II - Taehyung

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🔝Taehyung in high school🔝 

I have always loved Seokjin.. His smile, his eyes, his body, god, his everything. He was the piece of me, that was missing to complete me, like a puzzle. It looks incomplete when one piece is missing.

I left for America when I was 10. But it wasn't my choice. My parents found a job in America, so we had to leave. I was so sad that I couldn't see or say goodbye to Jin. I miss him, but I don't know if he feels same or even remembers me.

Big shock, but after I left, I found out, that I was actually in love! Can you guess, who it was? Seokjin! I felt like a piece of me was in Korea and that piece was Jin. I kind of asked about it from my parents. I remember their eyes widening and them looking at eachother, shocked. They didn't answer me.

I looked it up on the internet and actually found websites explaining these kinds of feelings. I opened the first one and started reading. After a while, my face turned from calm and humble to shocked and scared. Was this real? I read, that these feelings could be a mark that your soulmate could be sad. That was the moment I realized, that Seokjin, my best friend and crush, was the love of my life. My soulmate.

Anyways, I want to tell you my story of going to America.

~8 Years Ago~

It was a rainy Thursday night. I could hear the rain lightly tapping on my bedroom window. The moon was full that night and was shining brightly among the stars.

I was doing my homework at that time because I had forgotten to do it. I wasn't always the fastest or the smartest so it took some time for me to finish tasks. I was almost done with it when my parents walked in.

"Taehyung, pack your stuff, we're going to America!" My mom announced loudly while she slid into my room. I looked at her, widened my eyes and yelped in surprise.

"Really?! Is Jin also coming with us?" I asked excitedly. My eyes were twinkling like a kid's on Christmas Eve.

My parents looked at eachother, then back at me and eventually, shook their head in union. "No, sadly not. Me and your father found a job there, so we have to leave to the port in a few hours."

I could feel myself tearing up at the said. I'm leaving without Jin to a big country on the other side of the globe. Seokjin was my best friend and the person I secretly had deep and confusing feelings for.

"Can I at least say goodbye?" I asked my parents with pain, sadness and sorrow in my eyes.

My parents shook their heads again. "No. Sadly, you can't, because it's already so late that he is sleeping. I wish we could've told you earlier." My mom, also seeming sad.

I was shocked. I couldn't even say goodbye to Seokjin. I didn't have a phone at the time and neither did him, so we couldn't really contact eachother. I had absolutely no way of contacting him. Even my parents didn't let me use their phones. And also, as my mother already said, it's too late anyways.

"Anyway, there's not a lot of time left so start packing." My father finally spoke out.

To be completely honest, I couldn't bring myself to move. My whole body was numb and frozen in place. I guess that was the feeling of complete shock. I just wanted to see and ki- hug Jin for the last time, but there was no way I could've.

I sighed sadly, not realizing that my tears were running down my cheeks like waterfalls. I really didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay here with my precious Jinnie!

I was so ignorant of my feelings towards Seokjin at the time, so I couldn't realize, that I was madly in love with him. That still makes me gloomy to this day.


My parents came to check up on me after a while. I managed to get my things quickly packed, so I had time to just sit and think.

I was sitting on my bed, tissue box in one and a tissue in the other, currently located on my cheek, drying away my tear stained face and shredded tears. Beside me were many of my already tear soaked tissues. My eyes were all red, swollen and puffy for crying due to crying so much and hard.

As my mother walked in and saw that, she rushed over to me. The next moment she was hugging me lovingly, all while whispering sweet and encouraging words and phrases in my ear. I was sobbing really hard, so I just hid my face in her shoulder and cried.

She eventually let go and offered me her hand. I put the tissue box aside and took her hand. She pulled me up, threw away my tissues and put the tissue box away. Then she took my bags with my things and walked down with me. My dad was there, carrying all of our bags to the back of our car.

We were going to America by a ship, because my parents wanted to save some money and also take our old stuff with us.

When all of our luggage was in the car and everything was ready, it was time to start driving to the port. I was nervous, but most of all, I was all gloomy and stuff to be leaving Korea like that.

The drive to the port wasn't too long. The problem was that it was midnight, and I was really tired and just wanted to sleep.

When we arrived, we waited our ship to arrive. We waited it to empty from the passengers before us. After that, we drove the car on the ship and went out of the car. We had taken rooms on the ship, where we could sleep and stay the night.


We were on our way to our new house. I was really anxious. I didn't know what to expect. Would the people be nice here? Will they be rude and cold?

We arrived at our house. It was a small, yet cute building in a quiet neighborhood. I thought the people there were nice. And that they were.

When our neighbors saw our car arriving, they took the cake they had prepared together and walked to our house. They knocked on our door and welcomed us to the neighborhood. They were so nice.

~Present Day~

*sigh* These times are behind me now and I'm returning to Seoul to study at the university that Seokjin always wanted to attend. I always believed he could do it and I bet he got accepted.

I know I'm not as smart as him, but I somehow got accepted and am now on my way to Seoul. Oh, I hope I see him. I hope he can forgive me for not contacting him. I hope...he still remembers me after all those years.


Thank you for reading! This wasn't really a chapter, just like the last one. These are more like backstories to the plot. I just thought they would just be interesting to see, how everything got to the current situation.

Until then, peace out!


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