XIX - Time for a Degree (NSFW)

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⚠️Like I've said, read this at your own risk! It's smut and could ruin you, so don't say I didn't warn you if you do decide to read it! For these, who can handle it, enjoy!⚠️

~Time Skip of a Few Years~

It was finally time we got our degrees that we had worked so hard for years. Knowing that the day had arrived, all of us were so happy, yet so exhausted.

It was graduation at our university and a lot of people were running around the building for no apparent reason. It was really odd, since I and Taehyung didn't need to go from room to room in the university. But everybody was getting fancy for when they receive their degree. So i couldn't really blame anyone.

I was getting ready with Taehyung, switching between one another's rooms. "Do you think this looks good on me?" Taehyung asked as he lifted a black suit jacket above his torso to demonstrate. "You look good in everything, but I think you should wear this." I declared as I took pastel and light blue colored suit blazer from his closet and showed it to him. "You have a good eye for fashion, I'll wear that." He takes the jacket and puts it on his bed to put on when he had picked out the rest of his clothing outfits.

I went back to my room and looked in the mirror as I chose my own jacket. Amongst all of my jackets, I decided to settle on a dark blue suit jacket that had a square pattern on it. It went well with the matching blue suit pants I had. Under the jacket I chose the wear a simple bright and light blue button-up shirt, it's honestly the best choice.

I finished the outfit off with some classic black tie-up shoes, the look looked perfect for someone graduating in my opinion.

After deciding, I went back to Taehyung's room to see him deciding for a shirt. "What do you think? This slightly purple shirt or this patterned white one?" He showed me both on him and nodded. "I think the white looks a little better with the light blue." He looks at it. "Actually, you're right..." He nods slowly and puts the shirt with the jacket.

"And now for the pants..." He looks into his closet and picks out a pair of beige and a pair of light blue pants that matched his blazer. "Now this may be more tough." I looked at them as he showed them both on his legs. "The blue one's look really nice." He said finally and settled on these and put them in the pile. "It looks good." And for the shoes he chose some classic light brown tie-up shoes.

"Great, both of our's clothes are ready, now onto the make-up..." I chuckled lightly as Taehyung started giggling. "I almost forgot!" We both bring out our make-up and set it on Taehyung's bed and start doing each others make-up.

We had a lot of laughs and it took us time to get ready with the make-up, but a lot of kisses were shared and it was fun but a lot of cleaning had to be done because of our clumsiness.

A few hours later, we both got into our suits next to each other and shared comments about each of our looks and we both looked stunning and very glamorous in our suits and with our graduation caps on.

After some time of waiting and going to wait outside the graduation hall, it was time. The doors to the hall were opened and we all walked in with our suits and caps to see a lot of parents already crying in their seats. Upon seeing my own mother, I smiled at her and smiled happily as she waved back, already in tears. I and Taehyung also noticed Taehyung's parents and both waved to them. They waved back at us with pretty accepting faces, mostly over us being together and soulmates.

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