V - Sorry

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🔝This was just too cute, I had to add it🔝 

I found myself sitting on Taehyung's bed, placed really close to the sleeping figure next to me. I couldn't help but lean my hand towards his face and lightly, yet tenderly, caress and stroke it.

I found out that had been soft, like silk. Even though the thought of him hurt and haunted me for so long, I wanted to forgive him and become his one and only lover. That was when I realized that I wasn't thinking straight (pun intended and not). I took my hand back cautiously and looked at his handsome, sleeping face.

I got to admit. He looked so cute while sleeping so peacefully, like nothing really mattered. His mouth was also slightly open and there was a single, small drop of drool, slowly making it's way down he's relaxed cheek.

It looked so cute, but I took a tissue from the tissue box, placed on his nightstand, and wiped it away carefully.

But there was just one last problem... I had philophobia. Philophobia is the fear of falling in love. I fell in love and I couldn't get out. That left me scared of love again. But I truly wanted to fall in love. I was just scared of being alone again.

After that, I just sat there, looking at the sleeping Taehyung, whom was really close to me. I noticed, that his eye twitched slightly. I knew he was going to wake up then.

To that, I moved myself further away from him, keeping my distance, so it wouldn't be so awkward later. I also put on a more serious face to look concerned. Well, I was, but I didn't want to show I was lightly hurting.

He opened his eyes, closing them again, to stretch. Then he opened them, getting a taste of what was going on. He sat up and looked at me. I was looking out the window, avoiding eye contact.

"Seokjin, y-you're still here?" He asked, acting shocked and stammering lightly. "Well, yeah. I didn't want to leave you completely alone either." As I said that, I turned around. I looked back into his dark pigmented eyes.

"You don't know anything that's going on!" He raised his voice, I gave him a threatening look. He looked down to that. "Oh, you really think I don't, huh?"

That said, I grabbed his chin and lifted it. He didn't look at me. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." I said, a bit more threatening than I anticipated.

He hesitated, but moved his pupils to meet mine. I brought his chin even closer to my face. His expression was frightened. Once he was really close to me, I spoke.

"You really are clueless, aren't you?"

Those words left him speechless. Hmm, I guess he understood. Then, I pushed his chin backwards and let it go. Once he had put himself together again, he looked at me, shocked.

That face will never leave my mind. He looked so frightened and scared, yet he couldn't do anything to help it.

"D-did I do something wrong, h-hyung?" He asked me, with shock spread all across his face. I felt bad. "No, no. You did nothing wrong." I simply answered.

He looked at his shaking hands, then back at me. "W-why did you do t-that?" He said, visibly shaking. I couldn't help but pity him.

"I'm sorry...can we discuss everything over coffee?" He looked at me, quite disgusted. "I hate coffee, I prefer cocoa (hot chocolate)." "I mean, whatever you'd like."

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