XIII - A Good Night's Sleep

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🔝Some wonderful TaeJin fanart! Credits to the artist!🔝

"So...When did you lose your virginity?"

I turn my head more to get a better look at Taehyung. I could see he was embarrassed for asking such a thing."Why do you ask?"

"I was just...wondering, you haven't told me before." Taehyung looked at his lap, probably regretting the fact that he had popped up that question. "You, of course, don't have to answer, though." He muttered out quickly.

I decided to break the awkwardness with going over to Taehyung and sitting right next to him, with our thighs very close to each other. We didn't say anything for a few minutes, enjoying the coolness and darkness of the long-awaited night.

"Don't you just sometimes want to blend in with everything the world has to offer?" I said while being zoned out. I guess I don't think much while being spaced out. "That would actually nice when you put it that way." Taehyung agreed with me and I could see him nodding while also staring off into the distance.

After another while of silence, Taehyung sighed deeply and dropped his head lightly on my shoulder. "Can you sing me a lullaby?" Said Taehyung as I turned to look at him on my shoulder. "Of course, I wouldn't say no." I smiled a little tiredly and started singing the first lullaby that came to mind.

As I was singing, I could see Taehyung looking into the distance and listening deeply to the soft lullaby I was singing to him. When I finished, Taehyung opened his eyes after closing them and tries to look at me. "Your singing is still as wonderful as I remember, hyung." "Thank you very much, Tae." I set my hand on his head and set my head on his.

"Isn't this the lullaby you used to sing when you would come over as children." "Aish, Taehyung, you couldn't fall asleep without me singing it to you. You even went as far as to beg for me to just at least sing one verse." I chuckled as Taehyung looked away. "I'm sorry, I was used to it and your singing voice has always made me sleepy."

"You don't seem to be sleeping." "I've grown out of it, that's all. But I am tired of everything that we have done today." "I can totally agree." I nodded as I softly stroked Taehyung's soft and fluffy hair. "I still love your hair though. Still one of my favorite parts about you." "Really? You like my hair?" "Of course, I love stroking it." I could see Taehyung lightly blushing to my said things about him.

"Do you think you could sing me to sleep?" Taehyung asked me as he yawned in the middle of his sentence. "Whatever you need to feel safe." And with that, I started my quest of making Taehyung fall asleep. I gathered as many different lullabies and songs as I knew in my mind and started singing them in a soft singing tone to make sure he falls asleep next to me.

Sure enough, after about 10 minutes, Taehyung was fast asleep. He was already softly snoring as he had completely rested his body on the side of mine. I had to hold his waist to keep him from sliding off the old wooden bench.

I stayed there for a few more moments, holding Taehyung close to my body to keep him as warm as possible with the campfire and our body heats. That's when I decided I needed my sleep and so did Taehyung.

I carefully lifted Taehyung from my shoulder and onto my lap. I moved him more and picked him up in a kind of bridal style. I stood up and went to our tent. I opened the zipper and as carefully as I could, set Tarhyung into my sleeping bag with a little struggling.

I didn't get in the tent yet, I went over back to the campfire and put it out with the water we had brought. I made sure the fire was completely extinguished before returning back to the tent.

I walked back to the tent and crawled in. I had space to move around inside without touching or knocking anything over. In the tent, I could see Taehyung sleeping in my sleeping bag, looking very untroubled and cute. I smiled at the sight and went over to the sleeping bag.

I opened the sleeping bag and laid down in it, making myself comfortable and relaxing my body at last. kept my eyes open, looking at the sleeping beauty facing me. I moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his body to keep each other warm. I lifted Taehyung's body to set him more comfortably into my embrace.

I had also set Taehyung's arms around me so we were hugging each other in sleep. I was very satisfied with the outcome and took a look at Taehyung's face, realizing it was much closer than I was intending. That is how I liked it and leaned in slowly, placing a good night's kiss on his lips, whispering goodnight to him and closing my eyes after pulling away from the kiss.

At the end of the day, it all worked out and we were both deeply asleep. The feeling of warmth while falling asleep brought great happiness and a feeling of an even better and more interesting day to come.


Hello again! Thank you for sticking till the end and reading the chapter! It means so much to me when I can make people enjoy something! All kind of feedback is highly appreciated!

This chapter was very soft and that is what I was aiming for! Sorry for this chapter, still in the need of more time to make something of better quality, quantity isn't where I am going with this! I am quite sad I am usually out of time on writing these and have to put out something on a dead-line, really hope you don't mind to much!

This chapter was a little filler, nothing more, nothing less!

I am going to end on this note! Until we hopefully meet again!


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