VIII - The Clues

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🔝Amazing Taejin fanart I found on the internet. I own nothing🔝

~A Few Months Later~

It had been a few more months at that school. It was really easy there, actually. Or less difficult than I thought. I was passing all of my classes with only straight A's and the teachers absolutely adored me.

Me and Taehyung were best friends again. We hanged out a lot, did so much together, knew so much about each other and it was all super great.

The last month I had made a new friend. It was a girl named Amaya. She was a transfer student from Japan, but she spoke English and Korean fluently. She just came up to me one day and that's was when we started talking.

She had a boyfriend called Kaito back in Japan. He actually seemed like a cool person and a good boyfriend from what I had heard. They loved each other very much and they were probably soulmates. She even told me that they were going to get married when she finishes school.

I told Taehyung about her and to be honest, he seemed jealous. He seemed annoyed whenever I told him about her . Even though I didn't talk about her much but he still seemed annoyed and jealous whenever I did. Of course I tried not to, but sometimes she told me something and I felt like I had to tell him.

But not everything was always so great. It was that when I wasn't with Taehyung or he wasn't near me, I always felt like I was being watched. But the feeling was never there when I saw Taehyung or he was near me.

I had even caught Taehyung staring at me in hallways when he saw me and I also caught him looking at me from behind a corner. And what was even weirder was the fact that he would space out in class while staring at me.

It was quite worrying, having to think that your best friend just seems shy and creepy around you. But at the time I thought there was just something I did wrong so that would be the reason he would stare at me. But of course, I let those feelings go and focused on much more important things than Taehyung's out spacings.

But as I had already convinced myself that it was nothing and that it would go away, it never did. It only got worse as time went on. He only spaced out more often and would always look at me with that indescribable look in his eyes. Again, I shrugged it off again, as if it was nothing. But that brought back a lot of memories from childhood. I could see more signs of me and Taehyung being soulmates.

~8 Years Ago~

It was just another normal day in my life. I was sitting in class, taking notes, minding my own business.

But it wasn't just any other lesson we had that day though. We were talking about different types of love. That was a very interesting lesson. Quite unlike the others, which I liked.

We were just starting on the topic of soulmates, because soulmates were actually the most interesting and so much more to it than other types. And that surprised me. There was so much to it than I thought at the time.

There were so many more facts and interesting myths than I had ever even read about. Some being the strange feeling towards the one, the red string attached to both of your fingers and also the name of the one written on your wrist. Also how some soulmates will feel pain when they are kept away from their soulmate for too long or have been doubting their feelings.

I really liked listening and talking about that topic. And so did Taehyung. I could see it because he was sitting next to me in that class and I sometimes glanced at him as he also did.

But weird things happened between me and Taehyung in that lesson.

Every time we would take another topic on soulmates, that thing would happen between us.

When the teacher told us about some weird feelings you may have when you have a soulmate, that thing really happened to me. Like butterflies in my stomach, heart going faster and all through that I glanced at Taehyung quite often.

One of the weirdest things that happened was when the teacher told us about the red string. When the teacher told us about the purpose and meaning of the red string, I saw the string slowly appear on my finger, which meant that my soulmate was near. I followed the red string that was tied to my finger with my eyes, in order to figure out where it had come from.

I was a bit shocked at first when I saw where it had come from. The other end of the string was tying it to Taehyung's finger. I didn't think it was real and thought that it was just a hallucination and it would go away soon. but it stayed there, but it got fainter.

I decided not to tell Taehyung about what I had seen. I thought it would be better if I would just keep it to myself because it would be very awkward if he didn't see it.

~Present Day~

I could Still see it, even after all this time, but it had only gotten fainter and fainter. But ever sense I had become much closer with Taehyung again, the red string had only gotten more pigment and was much more distracting.

And it did distract me a little because it was much more colorful and pigmented than all the other colors around me. Of course, I could try to ignore it but it wouldn't always work out. The string always kept following me, being there, to let me know, that my soulmate was near and waiting for me.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I knew who my soulmate was and I knew I was only going to get hungrier and hungrier to taste and get more of them.


Hello, thank you for reading! Regular updates are taking place now and I couldn't be happier to write more!

Until next time!


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