XVII - Funeral

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🔝More amazing artwork‼️ All credits go to the artist!🔝

"Class, I have terrible news for you..."

"Your fellow classmate, Amaya...Is no longer with us." I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing. She never deserved to die, I was wondering what had happened. The moment truly shocked me.

"She...was involved in a car accident, there was a truck going 60 kilometers an hour under a red light and killed many people on impact, she was unfortunately one of them. I was told everybody who got hit died."

It was hard to believe. I went to her dorm with Taehyung the day before and everything seemed just fine. She did tell us that she was really in need of new clothes. So she did tell us that she wanted to go to the mall, which was nothing special. Nobody was expecting the accident.

"We are all taking a day off to mourn our loss. Classes dismissed for the day." The teacher stated as she teared up more. It was clear that she liked Amaya as a student, I mean, of course, how could you not.

Everybody got up and left for the day, all back to their dorms, and so did we also with Taehyung.

- -

Nothing significant happened in the next few days. Not until we got an invite to Amaya's funeral, hosted by her family.

It was on a sunny Saturday in the town's cemetery, Amaya's whole family was there. Her two sisters, three brothers, mother, father, many cousins, it was quite crowded but just enough.

Amaya's parents were the ones greeting all of the quests for coming and taking the time to mourn the death of their daughter and visit her one last time before setting her off into her grave.

There wasn't much except for the coffin and the grave itself, dug up and ready for a coffin to be put inside.

While looking at the quests with Taehyung for a little while, I spotted Amaya's boyfriend, sitting in a further off corner. Naturally, I told Taehyung and we went over to have a chat with him.

"Hi, Kaito." I said as I approached the rather sad looking boyfriend. "Hello." To my surprise he could speak Korean and was quite good at it. "I don't believe we've met. My name is Seokjin, I went to college with Amaya and was good friends with her. She has told me a lot about you."

"Ah, yes, I do know you. Amaya has told me a little about you. And also Taehyung." Kaito responded. "I'm guessing I don't need to introduce myself." Taehyung said to that.

"She was a really good person. She didn't deserve to die. But maybe it was all a part of 'god's plan'," I said a little sarcastically, "no offense though, I'm not religious." "It's really a shame, it does seem as if good people die way too often."

"Totally agreed. Can I trust you with something?" Kaito asked us suddenly. "Sure, we're listening." Taehyung got to say before me. "We weren't really as innocent of a couple as it may have seemed."

"Whatever do you mean?" "You do look like soulmates to me." Kaito said. "We weren't really like that, nor were we really free to choose." "So what you are trying to say is..." Taehyung interrupted a little. "We were a forced kind of love, decided by our parents and families."

We all stayed silent for some time. "I wasn't expecting that..." Said Taehyung to keep us all talking. "I know it may come as a surprise, but I learned how to love her as if it was all real. And it was, it wasn't as bad as I thought." Kaito continued talking.

"And it was all going so well, all until her death." We all nodded as we finally heard a bell echoing to begin the funeral itself.

All the while I saw many people gather around and so did we three. The coffin was open for the naked eye to see her deceased body. It was disturbing to look at but she looked peaceful in her forever lasting dream.

The priest blessed her and let us go close up to her and speak with her. Many people cracked up at the sight of her dead body and went away quickly. Some people didn't dare to go to the coffin.

Soon enough, the coffin was closed and it was let down into the dug grave. People started shoveling the dirt in the hole and many people cried to see her go, mostly her good friends from college and also her high school.

After the burial, we got to talk with Kaito again.

"It is sad to see her go. I loved her, but it all ended so soon." Kaito also cracked up just a little as shed a tear or two. "It's heartbreaking, it's the first funeral I've been to in years." Said Taehyung while crying into his tissue. He takes deaths hard.

"I hope your next love will be more up to your own liking." "Oh, it sure will. I hope." We all gave each other a hug and went on to where we came from.

Me and Taehyung got into my car and we starthed driving back to campus. "She was a nice person, I can't believe I was so quick to judge at first." Taehyung started talking in the car. "What do you mean?"

"I thought she was going to take you from me. I always knew we were soulmates, but I really thought she was in the way. I was so wrong." "But you did say at first." "After our mountain trip together, I saw her in a different light, she seemed like a better person, and I understood that you were just friends." Taehyung wiped his tears with the same tissue he had.

"You were able to see her differently after all." I took Taehyung's hand into my own while driving and stroked it's surface with my thumb. "It's okay now, you managed to see the real her before it was too late."

"Do you think she will ever forgive me?" Taehyung asked me a little doubtfully. "She has never been mad at you, she was always nice to you and probably wouldn't take it as a big deal if you told her directly what was on your mind. She will always look over us."


Okay, yes, thank you for staying til the end. I'm sorry if it was poorly represented, I have never been to a funeral myself and was short on time. This is probably pretty bad.

But with that said, that's all I've come up with for this time.

Stay safe, everyone!


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