VII - Thoughts And Memories

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Seokjin's POV

~A few weeks later...~

The new school was great. It had a good education level, and I was more than happy to get a degree from here. I didn't have any friends besides Taehyung, because I was always very anti-social, but I wasn't complaining.

The teachers were nice and always helped or answered your questions if you had any. But of course, there was this one teacher with constant mood swings, meaning that sometimes she was all happy and bubbly and like there was no care in the world, other times she would become a demon in disguise and get pissed off by every little thing you did wrong. But I guess that's just how some teachers are.

Me and Taehyung's relationship had increased too. We weren't awkward around each other and always there when we needed. We even had a few classes together, so we would sit next to each other and usually take into pairs when asked.

I still had and had always had feelings for Taehyung, but at school, I could never admit it. It's scary to have feelings for someone, even if you think they might feel the same. But of course he doesn't. We are just friends, former best friends, and I think that's all she thinks of us.

I woke up again, like every morning, at 6 o'clock. I had trained myself to wake up that early in the morning to be ahead of time and my schedule.

I got up, took my clothes and walked to the bathroom. Taehyung would always sleep till 6:30 o'clock, so I could take my time in the bathroom.

I put my clothes on the counter, got undressed from my nightwear and hopped in the shower. I usually liked to take cold showers in the mornings and that's what I did.

As I was done, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I stepped out onto a mat and then walked in front of the sink. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair as per usual.

When I finished my morning routine, I put on my school uniform and fixed everything I needed. After doing that, I stepped out of the bathroom.

I went to my room and put my things away. I put them all in my spare bag and exited my room.

Now the only things left to do were to wake up Taehyung and make breakfast. I went to Taehyung's door and entered the room. To my surprise, I didn't find anyone in the room, it was empty. Taehyung wasn't there.

I closed the door and walked to the kitchen. That's were I found Taehyung, making us breakfast. He was not as good as a cook as me, but he still made good food and even though it was fairly simple, I still enjoyed it.

"Good morning, Taehyung." I said to him. He looked back at me for a moment and smiled. "Ah, good morning, Seokjin. Sit down, breakfast will be ready soon." I smiled back at him and sat down at the breakfast table.

It took a few moments for the food to get ready, but that was fine. Taehyung served it to the both of us. We mainly sat and ate in silence, enjoying the food he had prepared.

Today was the day we had all our lectures together, that meant we could walk to all of the classes together, because it was always fun to walk and talk with someone like Taehyung.

We both got ready and took out bags with all of our books. We left the dorm together and walked to our first lecture.

~After lessons~

After all the lectures were finished, me and Taehyung went back to our dorm. We made jokes and talked all the way back to the dorm, it was a very pleasant atmosphere.

When we got back, I made us a little something to munch on, because it had been hours since we had last eaten.

After lunch we spent time together playing board and video games. It was one of our hobbies to spend time together like this. Let's just say we were already close to being best friends again, because we already knew so much about each other.

After our games we thought it was a good time to start doing homework. I shared a few of my notes with Taehyung and helped him with his studies. I was always the smarter one so I always used to help Taehyung with homework and notes. It had always been helpful.

While we were doing our homework, I noticed Taehyung's lips moving in full concentration. This brought back a few memories from our childhood.

~10 Years Ago~

"Seokjin-ah?" "Yes, Taehyung?" We were at Taehyung's childhood home. We were sitting in his room, doing our homework.

"I have always seen my parents and other adults touch lips, I think it's called 'kissing'." "Yes, sometimes it's also called a 'peck'. Why do you ask?" I gave him a response. I didn't think too much of it since we were still so young.

"So could we kiss?" I looked at him. He looked back at me a little shyly. "Why?" "I just thought that maybe we could try?" "Okay then." I gave in.

I slowly moved closer to Taehyung and looked him in the eyes. He slowly closed his eyes and put his lips into a roll. Back then we thought that was kissing.

I moved my lips closer to his and finally gave him a little peck on his lips. He opened his eyes, looked me in the eyes, as if he wanted more.

"I have seen adults do it for longer and move their mouthes. Could we maybe do that?" He asked me, seeming a bit shy. "Okay, but you have to open your mouth for me." He slightly parted his lips for me, so I could kiss him.

I moved closer again and locked our lips. I slowly moved my mouth, and so did Taehyung. I didn't really know what else to do, but I knew that the vibes I was getting were really right. Our lips felt like they were meant for each other, it was like destiny.

After a little while of trying to kiss like adults did, we both pulled away to breathe. He turned his head away from mine, as I could see a faint color of pink coloring his cheeks.

"So, are we done now?" I asked him. He nodded, still not looking at me. "Let's go back to studying." I also nodded and turned back to my workbook and so did Taehyung. Like so we resumed with our homework as if nothing even happened.

~Present Day~

I doubted Taehyung even remembered it. We were only 8 years old at the time. Even though it was a while ago, Taehyung's lips still looked so juicy and full of flavor. I wanted to taste them once again.


So I'm getting back to regular updates now, even though I don't know if I can count on myself. But the chapter is here and I really hope you will enjoy it!


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