IX - Argument

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It was a Friday night. It was quite cold outside, because it was December after all. I could hear the wet sleet hit my room window. It was quite calming, if I'm honest with you.

I was just starting with my homework. The week had ended and it was time to relax for this weekend. To be honest, I felt a bit uneasy. I had no idea why that was, but I just threw it to the back of my head and thought that this would be a good weekend.

That is when I heard something hit the ground in Taehyung's room. At first, I thought that it was just a book he was going to get for his homework. But then again, it didn't feel or sound like a book. It was more like a glass bottle, which was an ear-piercing sound.

I thought he had just dropped some normal beverage, like water in a glass bottle. But then again, Taehyung did prefer tap water, which was strange. It couldn't be a glass, because the glass didn't break and it was dropped from quite a high-level, as it sounded.

I thought I wouldn't bother myself, since Taehyung was a responsible adult on his own. But I still couldn't help but think something was quite sketchy. I didn't think much of it, so I just went back to my earlier activities.

That was until I heard the bottle hit the ground again. That's when I thought something was quite out of place. I didn't want to worry in my mind about it, but I couldn't help to think that something bad was going on.

I decided to remain seated and not put my quite important activities aside. Of course, I cared about my friends, that didn't mean I had to stick my nose into every little gap. And since I was a little too overprotective of Taehyung at that time anyways, I thought I would give him space.

That's when I heard that noise again. As you know, the third time something repeats, it gets annoying or really attracts your attention. That really attracted my attention and got my curiosity running.

I decided to get up, walk out of my room and knock on Taehyung's door. I did it, because it was nice to let people know you were there. The knock must've scared him, because he dropped the thing again.

I waited until he came over to the door and opened it slightly, only showing a little bit of his face. He didn't let me see what was behind him, it really got me more curious.

"Hey, uh, Taehyung, is everything alright in there?" I asked while pointing my finger at the inside of the room. "W-what? Of course, everything is s-super!" He said, clearly sounding drunk.

"Have you been drinking?" "What? Nooo," he hiccups, "I wouldn't, I know the rules," he hiccups again, "of this dorm!" He made a grin when he finished talking.

"Can I please come in and see for myself?" "Don't you t-trust me at all??" He stutters on his words. "Yep, I'm coming in." I pushed Taehyung lightly in order to get him out of the way.

He fell on the floor with a little thump, falling on his butt. I pushed the door open further to see clearer. That's when I realized he had been drinking and not shyly.

There were bottles of beer on the ground, just laying there. I turned my gaze on Taehyung and gave him a disapproving look. "Where did you get all of this booze from?" I asked Taehyung in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter, y-you are disturbing my p-privacy." "Fuck your privacy when you are breaking our dorm room rules! I thought I made them clear, didn't I?" "Yeah, yeah, no big dea-" "No big deal? Seriously? Do you really have absolutely no respect what's or ever?"

I was furious. I didn't like when someone disobeyed me and that was the point where I really lost it. "If you really want a drink, then go out and don't break our rules, because I live here too and you can't think you can do whatever you want without my consent!"

He looked at me in a little anger, huffed and stood up. He went over to grab his keys, wallet and phone. Then he made his way over to the door and just walked right past me.

He then walked to the entrance, slipped on his shoes, put his jacket on, turned around and took one last look at me, seeming a bit mad. He then proceeded to open the front door, walk out and close it behind himself.

I looked quite shocked at first but put myself together again quite soon. I couldn't handle the scent of alcohol, so I cleaned out the booze from Taehyung's room.

As that was done, I went back to my own room and thought at what I had done. Maybe it was wrong, but to be honest, he did break a rule, so maybe he deserved it. But I couldn't help but feel bad at getting mad.


Thank you so much for reading! Sorry this was published so late, I hope you don't mind!

I have to warn you, the next chapter is smut, so if you aren't comfortable with explicit content, you can feel free to skip that chapter.

Until we meet again!


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