XI - Aftermath

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~A Week Later~

I didn't speak to Taehyung as much after the incident. I was way to embarrassed, even knowing he didn't remember the event ever occurring.

Of course, it was all my fault for avoiding him. The feeling was overwhelmingly unnerving, knowing I had had sex with him it. I couldn't talk to him a lot, only when it was necessary.

I was already suspecting that Taehyung thought something was seriously wrong and would make me speak to him more, which would have been incredibly awkward for me, since I knew what happened.

I also had a talk with Amaya. More like she made me talk about it to her and discuss it. Since she was around most of the time, she must have noticed that I was avoiding talking to Taehyung.

She confronted me about the issue, yet I wasn't really up to talk about it openly nor that easily. I just told her about the argument and how I took him back to the dorm and set him to bed.

She, of course, did not accept my answer and demanded for the whole story. I told her that these was all of the important details and since I was quite harsh on him, I thought he would remember and get offended.

She realized she didn't have it easy with getting the full answer, so she just agreed about the story and told me it was absolutely nothing to worry about, since he was drunk and may never remember it, but it was a possibility that he may get his memory holes back, even if it would take time.

She advised me to talk about the problem to Taehyung, but I responded that speaking with him wouldn't really fix anything and besides, it would have made it very awkward for me since I was the only one from us who remembered it.

Ayana just looked me dead in the eye and told me to stop being a pussy, man up and face reality. I needed to take control of the issue if I ever wanted to make it better. I didn't take the advice too to heart, but definitely kept it in mind, if the situation would ever occur.

And plus, the worst thing that could have happened was for me to tell him and he would end all sorts of communication and cut contact, distancing himself from me as far as he could. Or we could end up hating one another, because it could create uncomfortable tension in our friendship and would result in a lot of fights.

If you still hadn't figured it out, Ayana basically shipped up. Since she was an awesome artist of a kind herself, she would draw and paint a lot. She had left her notebook open around me sometimes on accident and of course I would take a little peek.

It was mostly really awesome drawings of her OCs, who she made quite a lot. She had even told me about dome of them and their personalities, looks, social status. She was always such a creative and nice person, she was also kind and caring.

And of course, like any artist with ships, she drew them. She shipped her OCs a lot, mostly yaoi or yuri. They were usually the protagonists of some stories she also wrote and would illustrate some scenes.

And of course, she had a few pages dedicated to us, too. They were some romantic and dramatic looks at each other but there were also hugs, kisses and well, a little something erotic, too. Not showing anything inappropriate, of course, just a little something about sex.

And since she shipped us, she took matters into her own hands and decided to make it one of her priorities to get us to talk again, like we used to.

Basically, what she did was to plan out a camping trip to the nearby mountains on the next weekend.

I had actually never been there before and it sounded quite exiting and something new. We would be staying the night there, too. It was just the three of us, so it would also help us bond better.

Even though I was a little skeptical at first, I still agreed to the idea, thinking it would be a new and exiting adventure. We would have to take our own sleeping bags or tents if we so wished.

I told Taehyung about the trip after some time of consideration and he thought it would be a good opportunity to also get to know Amaya a little better, since he didn't think too much of her at the time. And so the trip was fully settled.

The weekend of course wasn't far away, so we didn't have overly much time to plan nor check the things we were packing and all of that.

But one of the things was still the fact that I needed to somehow talk to Taehyung. I didn't think our relationship wasn't weakening or anything, but due to me, I didn't talk that much to him anymore.

Of course, we still continued with our normal routines if playing video and board games, sharing notes and having lunch together. Yet something always felt a little odd or just a little tense.

I still thought Taehyung was pretty sure something was up, something that I wasn't telling, but probably should have, it didn't take a genius.

He started asking me if everything was fine, if I had anything I wanted to talk about or share. He was kind enough to tell me that anytime I had a problem, I could always talk to him about that, since we were best friends. And that is what friends do.

I had also told him the same things and thanked him so much for his endless support and effort. He of course nodded, telling me not to worry about it and also blushed a little, hiding it, feeling embarrassed.

He had always had that breathtaking blush. It spread all across his face, even touch his ears, and he would usually turn away, being a bit unnerved about the fact that he was blushing and it was obvious.

He had always been that little innocent cutie, but to be honest, he was quite the horny and naughty type in bed, I was also pretty sure he had his own kinks and was quite the kinky type.

Even during our first time, he would call me by my name or just simply call me 'daddy'. That was the first time I found out about his daddy kink, which was very interesting. He had many other kinks, but that was the most notable.

Now there was really nothing else to do than get more comfortable around Taehyung again and get to speaking regularly again. I was really hoping the trip would bond us even further, and I had a pretty strong feeling it would.


Thank you all so much for reading this chapter! It always means a lot to receive support from people on this community and honestly, be amazing!

That's all for now!

Until we meet again!

Signing off,

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