XVIII - End of the Semester

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It was finally time for the first year of our college as freshmen to end and become sophomores. We had come a long time and definitely deserved the summer that was about to come.

At our school, there was an end of the year party for every year: freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. The biggest party was for the seniors, of course, but the other years were also cool, it was a kind of ball but in college.

The student committee took care of the events every year and organizes it, being the hosts. Every year enjoys them, it's also the last event that happens at the school before the students are let on summer vacation.

That year was also no different, the date and time were announced and everybody got exited in the school halls, talking about what they were going to get for the dance and what they were going to wear, that was common.

All that chatter didn't break my attention towards Taehyung and we continued dating. A few people knew by the time but definitely not everyone.

The day of the dance finally arrived, which was a Friday, naturally. The halls were filled with excitement and cheerfulness, everybody was waiting for it, at least the freshmen of that year.

The school day was as normal, just that teachers all wished us a nice time at the whole dance and also a good summer, which was to be expected.

After all of our lectures, I and Taehyung went back to our dorm and decided to get ready for the whole party, it was going to be big.

My getting ready was choosing between my many tuxedos and suits, I had many different colors, like a dark blue, brown, black and different colored or with patterns. I ended up settling on a black suit with a dark blue tie to top it off.

Looking myself in the mirror was fancy, really felt like a prince charming, but there was only one person for me who needed protection and care and some amount of attention.

Also after choosing the clothing, there was about less than two hours left till the dance and to get the look, I put on just a tiny bit of make-up, did my hair and added some accessories. Then I was ready and also drop-dead gorgeous.

In the meanwhile after getting ready, I had time and read news and our school's newspaper, which was the last one to come out that school year. Every article wishing everyone a happy holiday.

When the time finally came to go to the gymnasium, I put a little something in my pocket and left my room, to greet my beautiful bride and take him to the dance, why of course.

"Taehyung, I'm coming in." I informed when I stepped in front of his door and opened the door. "That's fine, come on it." He responded as I finally saw him. At that moment he was standing in front of a mirror and adding finishing touches to himself.

"How do I look?" He turned around to face me and stood up straight. He had chosen a dark blue suit with a red bowtie in front, he also had make-up on, a watch, an earring and had done his hair to not be as messy.

"A total bride-to-be. Mine, of course," I smiled to him and took a look at him from head-to-toe. "Approved by me." I continued after the look. Taehyung smiled in response. "You aren't so bad yourself. Would totally want to marry you." He laughed at his own sentence.

"Shall we start going? It's time." I stuck out my elbow for him to take him. He came closer and took it, while also leaning on me slightly. "Let's go." With that, we left our dorm and made our way over to the gymnasium, where the freshmen's party was held.

Upon following the people in, there were many bright lights and nightclub music while the DJ was standing at the back of the stage. A lot of people were dancing on the dance floor, but there were also people who were standing bu the punch and looking around.

We walked in and got ear raped by the loud music coming from the speakers, but it wasn't the worst experience I had ever had, so it was fine. Taehyung even covered his ears a little, not really being able to bear the loud sound.

I dragged Taehyung over to the food table and we both took a little snack. "Remember me?" I heard being yelled behind me. I turned around to see Kaito standing there with a drink in hand.

"Oh Kaito. I remember you well. I wasn't expecting to see you here." "I wasn't planning on it, but some people who saw me at the funeral a while ago asked me to come along. Weird people." We were both yelling and shouting over the music.

"Definitely. I'm really sorry about your loss once again." "It's as much as a loss to me as to you, she was your friend, and so was I." Kaito explained after I said that. "Thought so, but you were dating, too." "Of course."

"How's Taehyung?" Questioned Kaito after a little while. "He's been good, but he took Amaya's death to heart. Luckily, I was there." "I'm really happy he has you and you have him." He smiled as he got his answer.

We had more to chat about for the time being and after that while of chatting all together, me, Kaito and Taehyung, we also headed over to some games, which were board games, card games and more like that.

After playing what we where interested in, we also went over to the dance floor to also have some fun of our own. We were all on our own for a little time until a slow dance came on, which meant grabbing ur partner and dancing with them.

I, naturally, took Taehyung and put him in the position to dance. Kaito didn't have anyone but he stood around while everyone else danced to the slow rhythm of the song.

We both looked each other deeply in the eye and turned all of our attention towards one another and had a wonderful experience of dancing romantically together, which was great.

After the dance, everything went back to normal and people were on their own again.

After hours and hours of dance, games and different foods and drinks, there was a speech, congratulating everyone for making it thus far in the school and announced the dance as over. People packed up and left after that, including that.

Also a memorable time of my life, and not to mention, what happened after that, but that's all up to your own imagination.


Thank you for being here for the time being, I really hope you enjoyed! This story isn't really finished yet, still some to come, I hope.

To be honest, I went over the dead-line with this chapter, that really sucks, but not too much later, I still got it out, just after midnight!

I wish you all well! Enjoy life!

Sincerely yours,


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