XV - I Like You

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Next morning was a Sunday. End of the week, which meant lectures the next day again. Not the most positive thing but probably what you would expect.

As always, I woke up before Taehyung, he slept longer on weekends, as always. Got out of bed with a good mood, which didn't happen much. Something refreshing for a change.

I liked to slack off on weekends so I wouldn't change my clothes before noon. That was also the case that day and just exited my room with my sleepwear, which consisted of a short-sleeved shirt and shorts.

I exited the room, meeting the same scene every day, white walls and a plant, minimalistic, but you wouldn't want to change much about it anyways. This was home to me now and would be for a few more years, of course, you had to get used to it.

Walking to the kitchen was the same as every other day. It was clean, I knew how to keep the place clean. No plates or dirty dishes laying around, it had a nice atmosphere.

Since it was a Sunday, I had to make pancakes. My mom taught me the recipe when I was young and it stayed with me, they are still the best pancakes in the world, close to my heart.

While making them, I couldn't help but hum a song I had written when I was in middle school. It's surprising as it's still one of my best pieces. Being young and having a dream and wishing for different things and situations to happen, it contained a lot of depth that maybe only the writer and the person who it was written for, could understand it.

Nothing special, really, just one of those cliche love songs you hear everywhere. I didn't realize you could not be original with anything at all. That's the flipside.

I made the pancakes and they came out absolutely perfect, you can't go wrong with these. Took the last one off the pan with the spatula I was using and set the plate on the kitchen table. The whole dorm probably smelt sweet from that cooking.

I was already hungry and since I could already start eating, I set out the plates and dug into my own patch. For more flavor, I added blueberries and jam on the table and ate them with the extras. Yep, definitely can't go wrong.

I was in the middle of eating when Taehyung woke up and also came to the kitchen in his pajamas which were pink and white, striped, also short and wrinkled, his messy bed hair went well with the look.

"You are already eating? Couldn't you wake me up? You know I don't like mine cold." "Calm down, I just made them, they are still hot." "Oh thank god for that, I would have been even closer to killing you this time." He laughed at what he had said and sat down across from me, also starting to eat.

We finished our meals and were both stuffed. As I think back now, I shouldn't have made that many. Barely bearable as it was just a huge amount but what can you do.

Even though we had way too much to eat, it was such a sunny and warm morning so we just had to get out of the dorm. I suggested going for a walk in the nearby park and Taehyung agreed with the idea and it was settled. We changed our clothes, styled up our hair and got out and locking the door.

Luckily for us, it was just the start of the cherry blossom season and we got to see beautiful blossoms blooming already. The air was fresh, the pond was gorgeous and the setting was perfect for a date kind of thing, but that's not really what we were going for.

The blossoms lead us to the edge of the pond and we had a closer look. We could hear birds singing in the background and it really was a beautiful morning to be spending outside.

"This is all very perfect, don't you think?" Taehyung said, breaking the comfortable silence. "Yes, just like you if I may say so." "No, you may not, sir. And oh, please, of course not. Not even comparable to me." Taehyung shoved me lightly with his elbow. "Heh, you know, since I'm in the mood, I might as well say it."

"Say what now?" Taehyung turned his head towards me slightly, clearly confused. "I like you," I said the three simple words everybody should know, "for some time now." I didn't look at him, wait for a reaction or anything. I said it very casually, like a normal conversation, except it was not.

Taehyung didn't seem to get the hint too well and seemed more confused than before. I did what I had to and turned my whole body towards him, took his soft hands into my own and also turned his body to face mine. "Okay, let's start from the beginning. I like you, more than a friend, and for a long, long time."

He seemed to get it and his eyes widened ever so slightly, hoping I wouldn't notice, but I can read him like a book, it wasn't difficult to spot it. "I...see. How am I supposed to respond to that exactly? I know close to nothing about feelings." "Just say what's on your mind, that's all I would like to hear."

"The feelings are mutual. I like you too, also the same way and as much as I wouldn't like to admit it, you really have something that draws me close to you. And also, I even have a feeling we may be soulmates. Isn't that strange?" Taehyung's response reached my expectations. "You think we may be soulmates, but I know we are." "Who am I kidding, it's obvious."

The cherry blossoms dancing around us, the soft wind blowing, the quiet morning without many people was a perfect opportunity to have a kiss. That's what I did and I do not regret it. I leaned in and kissed him on his lips. The long-awaited kiss was all we needed to wake the little spark between us. It was a short kiss, but the feeling of time stopping and only focusing on one thing was more than exciting.

The feeling of his soft and tender lips against mine again was like a blessing from the heavens. There wasn't a single thing to not love about these lips, they were perfection itself.

Still holding his hands, pulling away from the kiss, looking him in his widened eyes and him looking back was nerve-wracking. That was the feeling of soulmates finally coming to terms with their feelings, as I had read before. The first time I had felt such emotions.

My soulmate liked me back. But most of all, he admitted it.


Hello, beauties! Thank you for staying till here! Wow, I am really glad I could finally get to this point and most of all, I'm happy with the results. I'm curious about what you think!

And I am only getting older, another year passed in my life, what a journey.

But I'm going to end it here! Hope we meet again!

With love,


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