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Your POV

I was cleaning my room at my apartment where I get a phone call from my brother.

Zach: Hey lil sis. Me and Amy are going to the game tonight and you are going with.

Me: Wait, what. Okay Zach I am happy that you thought of me but I don't want to be the third wheel between you guys.

Zach: Let me put it this way we already bought your ticket and you ARE going. Be ready we are coming to pick you up at 4

Me: Okay.

The game starts at 6 and it was only 3 pm so I start to get ready and by 4 we are on our way to the Stadium. We got in and took our seats. I felt like third wheel but they were the one who bought me the tickets. I was sitting in my seat when I fell a tall guy coming down the stairs and sat right next to me. I look up from my phone to see who it was. I look at that and could not believe what I just saw with my own eye.

Did this seriously just happened. Did I just see SHAWN MENDES? I seriously just saw Shawn Mendes and he is sitting right next to me. I put my phone on the arm of the seat. Yes exactly from where Shawn could see everything on my phone.

I turn to Zach and Amy.

Me: Zach... Amy...

Zach: Why are you whispering?

Amy: You look shocked. Is everything okay?

Me: Shawn Mendes is sitting right next to me

Zach: omg sis. The love of you life is right there.

I turn and I am still in shock of what had just happened. When my phone was blowing up with notifications. Yes exactly notifications so that my phone screen turns on so you can see my wallpaper. I didn't know my phone was going off. I was just completely lost in all of my thoughts.

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Shawn: excuse me. You have gotten a lot of messages.

Me: oh um. Thank you and sorry.

Shawn: haha its okay. Nice wallpaper by the way.

Me: Thank you.(I keep looking at him with all the love in my eyes but he can't see it because I had my sunglasses on.)

Shawn: you are very welcome.

Me: Hey, I love you and your music. Don't let anyone change that.

Shawn: Thank you for your support.

Me: Hey um, Can I have take a picture with you.

Shawn: Sure.

Me: okay let me have my brother or his gf take aloud picture.

Shawn: Actually no I got it.

That's when Amy distracted me.

Amy: Hey Y/N, we will be right back. We are gonna take some food.

Me: Okay. . .

Zach: Do you what anything?

Me: Can you get me two waters

Zach: Yeah sure.

Shawn's POV

I am sitting here and I know for a fact that this girl is a fan because I can see her getting like and stuff on my edits. I look over on her phone and in the notification I see her username so I go search it and her account was amazing. But I didn't wanted to like any by mistake or else she will a clue that I looked over at her phone.

I look over at her but couldn't exactly see her because she was wearing her sunglasses so I could only see her nose and her lips. Her lips looked so attractive. Then she turned and said that she said that she loves my music and loves me and don't let anyone change that. And then she asked me if she could take a picture.

I said yes. I might have met her at one of my concerts or maybe not if only she could take her glasses off so I could see her eyes. But I didn't even know her name. So I don't know her name.

Me: Hey, I didn't get your name?

Jan: Janvi, my name. But I let people I love call me J or Jan. (She says taking her glasses off)

Me: uhh... I am Shawn Mendes. But you already know that. By the way you have a beautiful name. Jan.

I happened to know what "Jan" means it means that you are my love/life.

Me: Let's take pictures.

Jan: Of course, I have been waiting for this moment for 5 years and I finally get a chance.

Okay. I think she has never been to my concerts because of what she just said and also because that I don't remember seeing her before.

Me: Can I take it on my phone?

Jan: sure.

Me: thank you.

I pose as we are taking a selfie and the first selfie I took was me kissing her cheek. She was just so beautiful. I wanted to kiss her on the lips but I don't think that would be appropriate. And before she could look at me and seeing what was going on I do it again and this time I boomerang it. And I was about to kiss her agian on her cheek but she turned my way and I accidentally kissed her on her lips. I felt this electricity running through my body she had to feel it too. I know it wasn't a real kiss it was accidental but I still felt that way. I don't know what is going on with me but I am liking it. Neither did I know it also got that on boomerang.

Her eyes we're the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She looked so beautiful. At first I couldn't tell but now I can without her glasses. I broke the akward silence and said let's take some more regular pictures. And then after the picture. We did some silly pictures and and funny faces and then we started talking.

Me: Can I have your number?

Jan: Wait, Hold on, Am I hearing this right? THE SHAWN MENDES wants my number.

Me: yeah you are hearing it right. I want it so I can send you this pictures.

Jan: Of course. I am not gonna say no. . . .

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