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Jan's POV

It was nearly 8am and my friends came early so we can work on the project and finish it today. I put all the stuff in the room that shawn was sleeping in and I still hadn't told my friends that he was there. I hid his shoes in his room.

Me: guys I am gonna go get everything form the room. Why dont you guys get some coffee and be comfortable.

Amada: here I'll help you Jan

Me: No its okay. I got it.

Cayla: Jan are you hiding something? You have acting all weird since the game last night.

Me: I am fine. I am not hiding anything.

Meher: okay guys leave Jan alone. Even if she is hiding something she will tell us when she feels like telling us.

Me: i cant argue with you all. I want to finish this project and get it over with. I am so glad. That i am taking it with you all. And the fact that you all ditched your bf's for me is amazing. Thank you guys.

Cayla: Of course honey. We love you. What are besties for?

I go in and grab all the stuff and try not make any noise so that Shawn can still sleep. I return out with all the things and close the door behind me quietly. We were half way done and it was around like 10 am. Me, Cayla, Amanda and Meher were working on the project when I heard voice from behind.

Amanda: ooh, girls don't turn back but I think Jan there someone in your apartment

Shawn: Hey girls good morning.

Me: oh girls don't be alarmed it's just Shawn.

Cayla: Wait like the Shawn Mendes. Like the love of your life Jan.

I look at her with big eyes asking to keep quiet because he was standing right there. I turn to Shawn. He was standing there laughing at my reaction to what Cayla said.

Me: good morning Shawn. How did you sleep?

Shawn: I slept good. How's your project going?

He asked while walking towards us.

Me: Uh. You are not allowed here.

Shawn: Why can't I see?

Me: Because... It's uhh.. surprise.

Shawn: no now I really want to see.

Me: no Shawn.

He started walking towards the table where I had run to him and stop him. And he falls on the sofa me being on top of him.

Shawn's POV

I go out the room after i wake up and see Jan with three other girls working on something. I can hear them saying his face and I was eager to know and I said

Me: Hey girls good morning

I scared them. Jan was like dont be alarmed its just shawn. And Jan introduced me her friends.

Cayla: wait you mean like the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.

I could Jan eyeing her to stop and it just made me laugh because I thought it was so cute. I asked her if could see what they were working on and she said no I still walked towards her and she ran towards me and in matter of seconds I was lying on the sofa with her on top of me. I swear she the most gorgeous person I have ever seen. There was silence in the room. I knew Jan's friends were watching us but I didn't care at all. I was looking deep into her and as I was about to get up Jan's hand slipped and she fall on me and her lips connected with mine.

You know i love the idea of kissing bit everytime it happens its always an accident but I feel a really connection between us. I wonder if she feels the same. As soon as we kissed she realized what was going and she managed to get up really fast and she was just standing there holding her holding her other hand by the elbow and a shy smile looking like a goof. I am not gonna lie she looked so cute. I had to break the silence.

Me: I know you are working on a "super secret" project but if you don't mind can i get some coffee.

We all started laughing.

Jan: um. Yeah. Here I'll show you where i keep everything. I always have fresh brewed coffee and heres the pantry with all the "healthy" snacks.

Me: alright. Thank you.

Jan: oh and here's the mugs and the plates.

As I look through the mugs in the cabinet i see a mug with Harry Potter movie pic and a quote that said "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies but just as much to stand up to our Friends".

Me: i love this mug. Can i use it?

Jan: yeah sure. That's my favorite.

Amada: oh god please dont tell me we have two harry Potter crazies here now.

Cayla: uh oh.

While meher was just standing there laughing and Amada and Cayla decides to join her. We look at them.

Jan: guys i know Shawn loves harry potter just as much as i do. So yeah there might be two crazies in here now. Now can you stop teasing us and get back to work.

Me: sorry I disturbed you girls. I wouldn't have if i knew my way around the house.

Jan: its okay. There a tv in your room and there are also a whole lot of movies there. So you can watch any till I am done and then we can do something.

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