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Jan's POV

I bet Shawn must be dying alone in hus room right now. I feel like he was going to home this morning not that I mind him being here. I keep thinking that to myself while working on the project.

Meher: Earth to Jan. Do you want to spill what happened last night?
Me: huh... Sorry yeah. Last night Zach and Amy took me to the game and he came and sat next to me and he took some pictures with me amd he was kissimg my cheek but I turned tonsee what he was doing and we accidentally kissed.
Amanda: Wait... Hold on. Do you mean like on lips.
Me: yeah.
Cayla: Why did you blush while saying yeah?
Me: I didn't blush.
Meher: Yes you did. Your face just brightened up like there were 10000s of lights were turned on all at once.
Me: fine okay i guess i will not tell you all what happened
Cayla: no no please continue. Enough with teasing guys.
Me: after that Zach amd Amy had to leave for some emergency from work and i had no ride so he gave me ride and I insisted him for staying here. And he has been here since then.
Amanda: Omg Jan. This is like your dream coming true.
Me: Why dont you say it a little louder. I don't think people on forst floor heard it. Guys i just dint want shawn to find out about my crush on him.
Meher: uh. Jan dont forget about Liam.
Me: Liam? Whos.... Oh my god. I forgot about Liam. Please dont tell him otherwise he will literally kill me. He is having trouble seeing me having guy friend anyways.

I sit on the sofa with my hands of my head realizing what I have been doing. Oh yeah Liam i didn't tell you all about him. He is my boyfriend. I an still with him even though he abuses me all the time.

Meher: Honey, you need to figure this out. I really thinknl that you should end it woth Liam because he doesn't treat you right. And I can see how much you love Shawn.
Amanda: uh guys. I thinknwe should go!
Cayla: Jan needs us right now
Amanda: Yeah, Turn around Cayla.
Cayla and Meher: Liam... Hey

She and meher said standing up. I look up. I was so shocked. And i was so afraid. I wanted to yell to get Shawn out of his bedroom but again it would just made it worse.

He nods and i take my phone and forgot to change my wallpaper back to him so i still had Shawn's wallpaper. Liam saw and it just escalated his anger.

Me: Here's a picture of me and them. You happy.
Liam: you changed my picture to Shawn. Who btw is such a horrible and...
Me: I dare you do not finish that sentence liam. I dont get why i am not allowed to make guy friends or have anything to do with them.

As soon as I said he slapped me really hard on my face that probably left a mard amd then he hold my hand so hard that it was hurting.

Me: Liam leave my hand. You are hurting me.
Liam: oh this is nothing compare to what you have done to me.
Me: Liam, put that vase down please.

As soon as i said that Liam was about to throw the vase at my face. And he did. My forehead was bleeding.

Me: Liam you know what, i have been dealing with you and your horrible personality and not to mention i let you use me and abuse me which i still have marks over my body. I can't do this to myself. I have to break up with you. Please just leave and never ever show me your face again amd if you do it wont be good.
Liam: Fine. I dont care about you anyway. You are ugly amd fat then Sierra anyway. I just have been using you to get her attention amyway. And she called me last night anyway. So bye.

He leaves I shut the door as soon as he leaves. And I sit down against the door holding my forehead because it was still bleeding. I started balling my eyes out. I hear Shawn coming outside. I wipe my tears and

Me: Hey, did you wanted something? Sorry i was just coming into your room so we can watch movies together.
Shawn: omg Jan. what was all that. And what happened to you face amd forehead.

He asked while coming to me holding me in arms.

Me: oh um. Nothing i just hurt myself.
Shawn: Jan who was that.

I stand quietly there a few minutes and so was he. He hugged to comfort me and i couldnt stay quiet. I had to tell him someone about this.

Me: I broke up with Liam. And sorry that you had to hear all that and i have blood on you right now.
Shawn: sweety, come here. Lets sit. Its okay. I am sorry but I heard everything that was happening and he is not worth it. Okay you are beautiful and you have a kind heart. And if he cant see that he really isnt worth crying after.
Me: thank you shawn. But i loved him. But as the time passed he started using me to get Sierra's attention.
Shawn: Jan, you are bleeding so bad.
Let me help you clean that. I saw a forst aid kit in my room.

While Shawn brought the first aid kit and started cleaning off all the blood from my forehead I didn't even notice that i was holding his hand all along. He let me. He was using antibacterial medicine which burned so bad. And i was squeezing his hand so hard. I would have broken it if I wasnt looking into his dreamy eyes I still felt the pain amd i never stopped crying.

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