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Shawn's POV

As everyone said happy new year Zach and Amy already had a cake ready. As they were bringing out I asked Meher to do the announcement.

Meher: Ladies and gentlemen as we all know today we started an new year and I hope that everyone has a very exciting and fun year but I am not here to say that. Along with new years today there is something else as well and that is my best friend's Jan's birthday. Jan I know we all have been ignoring this for awhile. but Happy 21st bestie.

As she finished it I bring her in the middle to the cake and she looked at the cake and looks back at me. Because I was the only person to have that picture of us. She started crying and hugged me. "Thank you" She whispered in my ear and cut the cake. After the letter Meher handed her a card and she read it while the cake was moved. It said,

Hey baby,
A very happy 21st my princess. I am sorry that I have been ignoring and didn't telling you happy birthday but I am gonna make it up to you. After reading this ease pull the thin rope being you and let the magic do it works.

After reading name pulls the ropes and the petals box roses falls on her and they touch her hair and her beautiful face. She looked up while extending her arms. I slowly took the ring box out and sat down on one knee. That was also the clue for Why Don't we to song 8 letters

Me: happy birthday babygirl. I love you so much. Ever since that magical game day, I have had you in my heart and I will no matter what. This one year has been an amazing journey of my life with you in it. Every single second has gone laughing by. Plus we just found out that our lives were about to change. So Janvi Elle Rose will you marry me?
Jan: Yes. Yes. Yes I will Shawn Peter Raul Mendes.

She said yes without even looking at the ring. She kissed me and hugged me so tight. And then everybody congratulated us. But we still didn't tell anyone about the pregnancy.

Jan: Before you guys go. Me and Shawn has one last announcement to make.

People from the crowd said what is it?

We asked first since Jan's you best cousin was already asleep.

Shawn: Okay, Liyah. Tell us. What would your new nick name be after a baby was born in my family?

Everyone was so confused.

Jan: okay to make it easier. Fifteen minutes before midnight me and Shawn found out that we are.......
Liyah: Just tell us already

Karen: OMG is this true or Jan is this one of your pranks.
Shawn: Mum its true.
Karen: omg I am going to be a grandmother.
Manny: Daughter-in-law I am going to be a grandfather. Thank you and congratulations.

Liyah came running to Jan and hugged her cause she was the youngest and now she won't be anymore and plus she would be an aunt.

Zach and Amy were shocked. They came to hug Jan. Jan as always has to have a little fun of her own

Jan: we beat you guys
Amy: you always have to have fun don't you?
Jan: always.

They hugged her

Zach: Congrats sis.
Jan: Thanks bro.
Zach: you have to stop growing. You are my little sister stay that way.
Jan: I try too. But you know I always have wanted kids but who would ever say it would be with Shawn.
Zach: I am happy for you guys. Now me and Amy have to go Bye. Have fun.

Everyone left me and Jan were left.

Jan: Baby, Thank you.
Me: For what?
Jan: For an amazing night and Life.
Me: In that case thank you.
Jan: for what?
Me: For making my brighter and our precious baby in there.

I said putting my hand on her belly.

Jan's POV
3 months later...

Me and Shawn are sitting on the sofa talking, my head on his chest and his hand rubbing my belly so he can be with our baby for a while

Me: Babe, do you have to go?
Shawn: Yes baby, I have to go on the tour.
Me: You are gonna leave me and our baby alone here?
Shawn: Baby, you won't be alone Mum will be here and Amy and your friends everyone will be here taking care of you. I made sure of it.
Me: It's still not the same from when you do it.

The baby kicked as soon as I said that. And that was the first time. Shawn looked at me with his eyes wide open.

Shawn: Did you feel that?
Me: Yes, I did. Looks like baby doesn't want you to go either.
Shawn: Baby, you are making it hard for me to go.
Me: good. That's what we want.
Shawn: but...
Me: Babe I know. Your fans are waiting for you. But you are gonna be back by the due date right?
Shawn: Yes. I will be. I won't miss it for the world.

Shawn left for the tour and only a day was left till my due date.

(Phone Call:

Shawn: Hey babygirl, How you doing?
Me: I am okay. I miss you though
Shawn: I miss you too. I am about to take my other flight home.
Me: yay. And how much time will that be?
Shawn: maybe five hours? They delayed the flight.
Me: okay. Well come soon. Me and the baby are waiting.
Shawn: I will sweety. They are boarding the plane. I got to go.
Me: Bye. Love you. See you soon
Shawn: love you too. Stay strong baby.

Phone call end.)

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