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Jan's POV

Shawn: This is not the only thing you guys were invited here for today......
Liyah: what is it?
Me: There is so many surprises for me today? 
Shawn: Baby, you know this and you are gonna help me tell them
Me: Is this what I think it is?
Shawn: Yeah
Me: Oh yeah sure honey.
Mum: Can you guys stop talking to each other and tell us. We are waiting.
Me: Shawn and I decided on a Wedding day.
Dad: Guys that's wonderful.
Mum: Oh my god guys. Finally.
Liyah: I want to be Jan's Bridesmaid
Me: Sure thing Liyah
Shawn: LIYAH whose side I are you on.
Liyah: Her's. 

She says hugging me.

Shawn: November 29th
Me: Yup. We both agreed.
Mum: We are gonna have so many things to plan.  It's in two months. Oh my god.
Shawn: Mum, Don't stress okay. We will get a wedding planner which can help us.
Me: Mum, Shawn is right.
Mum: I love when you call me mum always continue that. we couldn't freak Shawn out the way we wanted too though.
Shawn: No I didn't freak out because I thought it was adorable.
Dad: Karen, Liyah we should go. It's getting late. I have work early tomorrow.

They hug us and give us a kiss on the cheek goodbye.
After they left Shawn took a shower and I was cuddling with little Skylar in my hands. I was just looking at her and rubbing her back embracing every second of her with me.

Shawn's POV

As I came out from shower. I saw this beautiful view Jan cuddling Skylar and it was melting my heart. How cute can everything get. Everything has been so right ever since me and Jan have been dating. YES!! I am very scared because everything has been good nothing has gone wrong and I know how Life works. It couldn't go on without going wrong except the part where me and Jan one of our babies. But Sky has been keeping Jan busy enough not to think about it.

Jan: Baby, why you standing there?
Me: I am just looking at my beautiful view.
Jan: Come cuddle with us. Sky is making this noises and they are adorable.
Me: really, I am coming.
Jan: Babe can you believe that we made something this beautiful?
Me: I can. She gets it all from you.
Jan: Not true. She has your eyes and nose.
Me: And she has your beauty and your lips.

I say kissing her.

Me: Can you believe that Two months and we will be married?
Jan: I know right. its crazy.


We had to hire a wedding planner with Jan busy with Sky and I wanted to help with it so it was easier to get a wedding planner. Days past by. We went to the cottage that was near the beach we getting married on. Jan and her bridesmaids were staying in one of the rooms and me and groomsman in the other. Skylar was of course often with Jan or Mum and Liyah.

Tomorrow was the wedding. I was nervous which I thought I wouldn't be because Jan and I had been leaving together for almost 2 years now. But I guess getting married was a little bit more then that. I had to see her this one last time before we are officially married tonight. I sent Brian with a note and give it directly to Jan.

Jan's POV

Wedding was tomorrow, I was so excited but I was also so nervous. I guess getting married is more then just staying together. All my friends we're ready asleep. I heard a knock on the door.

Me: Brian.
Brian: Hey, Bride to be
Me: what are you doing here?  If you are to talk to any of the bridesmaids they are already asleep.
Brian: Actually I was sent over to give you this note and then leave so no one sees me so bye.
Me: Oh okay bye.

He hands me the nots and carefully leaves. I open the folded paper and started reading.

Hey beautiful,
I want to see you one last time before we get married tomorrow. So meet me at the beach under the light of thousands of theses beautiful stars.
Love Shawn.

I get my coat and keys to the room and head over to the beach. I already see Shawn sitting there.

Me: Your note was cheesy Mendes
Shawn: Jan. I don't care. All that matters is that you came
Me: Of course I came. Are you nervous?

I ask while taking a sit in between his legs and resting my head on his chest.  One of his hand intertwining his fingers with mine and his other hand using it as a support to keep holding us up.

Shawn: Yes I am a Little bit. Are you?
Me: Baby, everything is going to be okay. It's okay be a little nervous.
Shawn: I'll take that as a yes.
Me: Mhmm.
Shawn: Babe, how awesome is that our daughter gets to attend our wedding?
Me: Right. Oh my god. It's gonna be the cutest wedding ever.
Shawn: oh My god. babe. Don't get mad at me?
Me: depends on what you did?
Shawn: I forgot to get Skylar a dress for the wedding.

I started laughing.

Shawn: why are you laughing?
Me: Baby, relax. I knew this would happen. I already had a dress for her. A week ago.
Shawn: is there anything you can't do?
Me: Nope.

We both started laughing and then just Embraced the moment and looked the beautiful sky.

Shawn: babe, I think we should turn in. You might have to wake up early to get ready. It's already 2 am.

Shawn's POV

She didn't answer. I looked at her and she was already sleeping with a big smile on her face. I gently release her hand and pick her up and she wraps her arms around my neck immediately. And carry her to her room. I found the keys in her coat pocket. So I opened it and put her to bed making sure no one woke up. I kiss her forehead and leave closing the doors behind me.

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