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Your POV

Shawn Mendes just asked me for my number. That was not even the exciting part that happened. He kissed me I know I know it was accidental but I did like it. He always has been the love of my life. I felt this electricity in my body. And I got a phone call. It was Zach.

Zach: Hey sis, so me and Amy had to leave because we got an important phone call from work. Will you be okay? Will you manage to go home?

Me: Zach. You guys were my only ride back home. But if its important then I understand. I'll manage to get to my apartment.

I said hanging up in disappointment.

Shawn: Hey, is everything okay?

Me: Umm... no. My brother and his girlfriend had to leave because they got an emergency call from work and they were my only ride back to my apartment.

Shawn: oh no

Me: It's okay. I'll probably walk or uber home.

Shawn: Jan, walking is not safe at night and also taking an uber is also not that safe. Um. I think I can give you a ride?

Me: Shawn, that's very very kind of you but you don't really have to do that.

Shawn: But I want too. Let me help you. You have been my side as a fan for years. So let do something in return.

Right as a "fan". I whispered but I think he heard it.

Me: Okay. Sure but it will be almost like 2 am by then so I won't let you drive back home that late.

Shawn: Okay, deal.

He hugs me. And we both enjoyed the game and soon the game was over. We started walking to Shawn's car. I was walking and shivering and he grabbed my hand and said

Shawn: Come on, Hurry. you are walking so slow.

Me: Oh really. Okay. Here's a crazy idea why don't we race to your car.

Shawn: Okay. My car is right at the end. the last one against the wall. I'll count down.


Shawn: Hey, you started early. That's not fair.

Me: Everything is fair in race and dare, hun.

We both started laughing and we were running. I finally get to his car. I stopped standing with my hands on my knees and try to catch my breath and laughing endlessly while Shawn is still trying to catch me. He comes running to me, he opens his arms and tries to hug me and gently pushes me to his car where my back as against his car and he was right in front of me so close. We were still laughing so hard. We finally stop to catch a breath.

Me: See now who was slow.

He comes even more close to me. I could feel his breath. I was looking directly into his eyes and I was dying to kiss him but I couldn't.

Shawn: Oh come on. You started a before me. You little cheater.

He says being all cute. I was trying so hard to stop myself from kissing him.

Me: Hey, I am not a cheater as I told you everything is fair in race and a dare.

I say holding all my feelings inside.

Shawn: Okay okay, you win.

Me: Well you gave up too early.

Shawn: Only because I know I am not going to win in this.

Me: True. Hey, can we go home?

Shawn: Yeah, sure.

We siting the car and Shawn starts driving. The car ride to my apartment was so silence. I was not an awkward silence. He turns his music playlist on. He started singing to songs and all this moment I forgot how in love I was in love with his voice and himself. I stayed quiet and listened to his beautiful voice and I didn't even notice how time flew by. We get to my apartment. I live alone and I have and extra room which Shawn could use. I mean Zach uses that room whenever he comes over.

Me: Welcome to my apartment.

So here's a thing. I like to do a lot of DIY and crafty things that way so as soon as you enter into my apartment you walk into my family room and you can see this little art project that I did and yo all already guessed it who it was about. I used Shawn's picture and blow it up and cut them in 6 different photos and framed them and put them next to each other it looked so cool.

Shawn: Oh wow. This is amazing

Me: Thank you.

Shawn: Did you do that yourself?

Me: Yeah. I did. DO you like it?

Shawn: Yeah. I love it. Do you mind if I take a picture of it?

Me: Sure. It would be my pleasure.

After he takes the picture.

Shawn: I don't have anything else to change into.

Me: No worries. My brother keeps some of his spare clothes here. You can borrow them. Let me show you the room so you can relax.

Shawn: Okay. thank you.

I assist him to his room..

Me: Before I forget. I have some friends coming over tomorrow morning because we have to work on our photography project together. I will ask them to make sure that they don't make too much noise.

Shawn: Oh don't worry about that.

he hugs me good night and goes to sleep. His hugs are the best things in the world. I get chills and this electricity runs through my body. I love that feeling.

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