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Jan's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. I sit up with my hands holding my head. I realized that I was in a room that I didn't recognized. I run outside and I see Shawn sleeping on the sofa and I was just walking to him and fall on him but luckily I don't wake him up. My face was inches away from his. I just look at his face until he opens his eyes and when I try to get up he holds my hands so I couldn't get up.

Shawn's POV

I woke up I saw Jan come outside but I was just lying on the sofa with my eyes closed. I saw her trip over on me she didn't hit me at all but she was only couple of inches away, I could feel her breath. I just open my eyes while holding her hands because she was trying to get up and i still wanted to tell her how i felt.

Me: Morning beautiful
Jan: good morning.

She said switching her eyes into my eyes.

Me: How did you sleep?
Jan: good. My head hurts a lot.
Me: Yeah. Here I will give you some medicine and water so it will relax you a little.
Jan: Shawn what happened last night. I don't remember anything after you left me in the dressing room.
Me: are you sure you want to hear it?
Jan: yes, Shawn stop scaring me.

I sit her up and then I carry her and put her in my lap wrapping my hands around her waist

Me: Do you remember drinking that peach drink sitting there on the table?
Jan: yes
Me: well that was actually beer with a high alcohol percentage and you drank it all and I came to tell you something important but you were drunk and tried to kiss me and then you asked me to chase you because I was trying to get you home.
Jan: Oh my god. I cant believe this. I got drunk. And I did all this.
Me: sweety its okay. You were drunk.
Jan: Wait you said you were gonna tell me something?
Me: Oh yes that. Um. How would you feel about getting ready and then I will tell you while we have breakfast
Jan: sure. Um. I am okay with that.

Till she was getting ready I made some eggs and coffee and some toast to go with it. I set the plates then she comes out

Jan: Uh Shawn. I don't have any clothes to change into?
Me: okay. Give me a second.
I go into my room and bring out a gift bag.
Me: I was waiting to give this you on your birthday but today seems more important so here.
Jan: Shawn you didn't have too.
Me: But I wanted to. Just open it come on.

She opens the bag. I bought her a plain beautiful burgundy colored dress it was knee length.

Jan: Omg Shawn I love this dress

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Jan: Omg Shawn I love this dress. Thank you so much.

She pulls me in a hug and she looked so happy.

Me: I am so happy that you like it honey.
Jan: okay I am gonna go get ready now.

She went to get ready. Few minutes later she comes out wearing the dress, her soft silky long hair were braided and she was wearing a very little makeup. She carries a little bit of makeup with her. She looks beautiful with makeup but without makeup is just more beautiful. My mouth was just open I couldn't say anything. She looked beautiful as always but I don't know what it was I just wanted to take her in my arms forever. I am just going to tell her and get it over with today no matter.

Jan: You better close that mouth close Mendes otherwise a fly will fly in there.
Me: Why do you always make fun and ruin the moment?
Jan: The moment?? Shawn you have been acting all weird?
Me: Let's have breakfast shall we?
Jan: Fancy Mendes. You sure do know how to cook.
Me: Don't call me Mendes. I hate that.
Jan: Oh yeah. That's all I will call you now. You should have never told me that you hated it. Hahaha
Me: Oh god. I dragged myself into something.
Jan: hahaha yes you did.

She is so funny and cute and beautiful and I soon realize that I was looking into her eyes.

Jan: Shawn, you are freaking me out. Why are you looking at me like this?
Me: So umm... Remember when I said that I wanted to tell you something
Jan: Oh yeah. What's up Shawn?

I take her hand in my hand and take a deep breath

Me: So um since that game the first time I saw you and had that accidental kiss (giggling a little), I have not gotten you out of my mind. You are the most funny, sweet and amazing person I have ever met. Will you be my girlfriend?
Jan: Shawn!?! I don't know what to say.
Me: You don't have to answer me right now. You can take your time and think about it.
Jan: Shawn, you still don't know me do you. You have had my heart for five years and I don't like you because of your looks and your money. In fact I like you because of the kind of a person you are so sweet, kind, nice and funny and I am out of words to use.
Me: I underst.... Wait you said you like me too.
Jan: yes I did.

She said while her eyes were filled with water. I stand up and turn around to get water for me and her.
She just came running to me as I was turning and she crashes her lips on mine.

Jan: I have been waiting for this for so long (she says gently pulling away)
Me: And I have been waiting for this...

I hold the side of her face and kiss her passionately.

Me: So will you be my girlfriend?
Jan: Stop me from saying yes.
Me: I love you Jan.
Jan: I love you too.

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