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Jan's POV

Me and Shawn has been dating for almost 6 months now. And he has already met my friends and I already met his friends. And today was day Christmas Eve and me Shawn were just sitting and watching Christmas movies cuddling with hot chocolate in out hands. 

Shawn's POV

Me and Jan were cuddling while watching Christmas movies when my phone rings. Its my mum (Karen)

*phone call

Mum: Hey Shawn.  How are you sweety?
Me: hey mum. I am amazing. How are you?
Mum: I am good. Did I disturb you?
Me: No mum. Me and Jan were just watching Christmas movies. What's going on?
Mum: I just wanted to see if you would like to bring Jan finally to meet us because we can't wait to meet her.
Me: mum, I was going to ask you if it was okay for me to bring her but I think you are okay with it. 
Mum: Perfect. I want to spend some time with her. So you guys can come anytime you want tomorrow
Me: Okay. I am gonna go.  Goodnight mum. Love you
Mum: love you too sweety. Good night. Can't wait for Tomorrow.

end phone call*

I go back to Jan. And continue watching the movie and thinking how to tell Jan. 

Jan: Babe?
Me: Yeah..
Jan: you okay?  What did your mum say?
Me: Yeah.  Everything is fine.  I am just thinking. 
Jan: what you thinking,  sweety come on tell me.
Me: Well my mom invited us over tomorrow?
Jan: Baby then go. Wait did you US?
Me: Yeah. See this is why I was thinking because you got nervous meeting my friends and this is my parents and Aaliyah
Jan: Babe. I love you for thinking so much.  Yes I will be nervous but I will have to meet them them one day so why not tomorrow on Christmas and plus I will give them their gifts and not send them with you.

Jan's POV

He turns to me and holds my hands

Shawn: Did you really get them presents?
Me: Of course, I did. I love you and your family even though I haven't met them yet but you have told me so much about them.
Shawn: Baby, you are the sweetest.

Next morning...

Last we both of course fall asleep on the couch. I slightly tilt my head up to see that Shawn was still asleep.  I tried to get up and go make coffee but Shawn's grip was so tight that I couldn't move. I slowly take my hand and caressed his cheek with my thumb and he still doesn't move. I couldn't resist how cute he looked. I took my phone put it on silent and try to take his photo. 

As soon as I do he takes my phone away and lifts me up and sits me in his lap. 

Shawn: What do you think you are doing?
Me: I was just taking a picture.  But you ruined it. 
Shawn: No I didn't. Look
Me: Shawn you took my picture. No I wanted your. But I have to admit it really cute.
Shawn: what can I say I am a cutie.
Me: oh yeah. Well I guess it make sense considering I am not as cute and beautiful.
Shawn: take that back or else you know what's coming.

Shawn starts to tickle me. I start laughing and pushing him away with my hands.

Me: okay fine I take it back.  Now if you let me go so I can go get ready. Don't you have to get ready to mister?
Shawn: Yes mam
Me: let go baby. I wanna go take a shower. 
Shawn: Can I join?
Me: Shawn...
Shawn: Okay. 

I went to to bathroom and took a shower. I blow-dried my hair and started to curl my hair. I was thinking about what happened this morning. I feel like I might upset Shawn it's not the first time Shawn has tried to make a connection with me and I keep ignoring it.


I snap out my thoughts and open the door

Shawn: Hey, baby. Mum just called and they want u to stay there the night.
Me: Okay. I'll pack some clothes. 
Shawn: Actually can I?
Me: Wait you are saying that you want to pack my clothes? 
Shawn: Yes. But you don't get to see them till you wear them tomorrow morning.
Me: Mendes are you sure you are gonna pull that off?
Shawn: Don't laugh. I CAN pull that off.
Me: okay deal.
Shawn: Okay. I love you,  sweety.
Me: I love you too,  Mendes.

Shawn packs my bag while I curl my hair and put make up on and after I put my makeup and all the necessities with me and after Shawn gets ready we are off to his parents.

The ride was so silent. One thing about me is that I get super quiet when I get nervous. I feel a hand on my thigh. It was like a caring touch. 

Shawn: Babe, you have been awfully quiet?
Me: I am nervous. What if they don't like me?
Shawn: Baby, don't talk rubbish. Everybody likes you. You are so nice and cute and kind and cute and sweet and cute. 
Me: Baby,  you said like cute 3 times in that sentence.
Shawn: It did make you Smile, didn't it? Now you ready we are here.
Me: Sure

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