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Shawn's POV

Me: I'll get the door.  You finish your makeup.
Jan: okay. 

As I was walking I heard another knock. As I opened the door Zach,  Amy, mum, dad and Liyah were standing there. And it was the good thing that I opened the door. Because along with Zach and Amy they also brought the cake.  It was no ordinary cake. I mean it wasn't just only a birthday cake but as Jan was turning 21 and she doesn't have a special way to celebrate it. I made the cake into a memory lane of how it all begin. The cake had a photo of me and Jan first "Accidental kiss" that happened at the game I had everything ready.  I just needed someone to distract Jan so I can take out the cards.

I had mum, Amy and Liyah go talk to get while she was still getting ready and Zach and dad helped me out everything up. All the guest started to come which includes Why don't we but they were also performing. Jan loves their songs 8 letters so I asked them to play it when I was gonna propose. That way it will make it hard for her to say no. Not she will say no.

All the guest came. I had my whole family and Jan's whole family over because I needed their blessings as well. Jan didn't know that her extended family was also gonna be there. She still wasn't out because I asked her not to come out until she was told too.

I told everyone the plan because Jan was the one who invited them so I didn't get a chance to tell them on the phone.  After that I went in got Jan. 

Me: Hey babe,  you ready to.....

I say stopping looking up and down at Jan. She was wear a simple black color dress but she looked amazing. 

Jan: What?  What's wrong?
Me: Uhm.  Nothing.  You look gorgeous
Jan: thank you now can we go outside I am getting bored sitting here waiting.
Me: yes come on. It's time for your second surprise.

As we walk out. Jan keeps looking around to see of she can find the surprise. She looked at her aunt and her cousins but didn't realize it that she didn't invite them.

Jan: where is it?
Me: Babe I love you as much as you love surprises so I invited you aunts and uncles and your cousins over. I know you missed them a lot so I called them here. 
Jan: Oh my god Shawn. This is amazing. Thank you so much.

Her cousins came running to her. Most of them were older then her but two of them were 18 and 10 year old. And then came her aunts and uncles.  She hugged them all and then she turned to me

Jan: Thank you Shawn. This is the best surprise ever.

Jan's POV

Shawn called over my whole family but I was still mad at the fact that no one remembered my birthday this year. Not even Meher texted me and plus I couldn't find Meher, Cayla and Amanda anywhere.  I think they are on their way.  I liked how why don't we were playing their EPs and some songs from their new album. I talked to my cousins for a while and then I got a drink and made my way out to the balcony looking at the beautiful sky with stars shining so bright. It was only half an hour till new year and my 21st birthday.

With even bringing the champagne near my mouth made me want to puke and champagne is one of my favorites. I have felt horrible all day. It had been five days till I had sex with Shawn and as I remember we used protection. I go to the bathroom, I keep 2 pregnancy tests me just for emergencies like this. Cause all the signs that were happening to me showed that I could be pregnant. I opened the drawer and took the test out and peed on it. The box said to wait for 2 mins. I waited and waited.  Those 2 mins felt like the longest 2 mins of my life. It was finally time.  I turn the test over and look at it and start shaking.  I covered my mouth so no one could hear me. But I was shaking and whispering to myself "oh my god.  Oh my god. This cannot be true." The line was bright red. I took another one to double check. And didn't wait to look this time and the line instantly turned bright red. I unlocked the bathroom door and dropped down crying. 

I was scared and happy at the same time.  Suddenly I hear a knock on the door but I was zoned out. 

Shawn: Babe you in there?  Only 10 mins till midnight

I didn't say anything and he noticed the door unlocked so he opened it and saw me crying. 

Shawn: Baby,  what happened?  Why are you crying? 

I still didn't answer.  And then he noticed the pregnancy tests in my hand. He took them and was looking at it.

Shawn: what is this?  Wait Jan this are pregnancy test? 

I nodded.

Shawn: And they are positive?

I nodded again without saying a word still crying.

Shawn: Are this yours? Did you just take this?

I nodded again. 

Shawn: Oh my god.  This are positive. 

He said hugging me tight.

Shawn: but why are you crying? You have always wanted kids.
Me: Shawn this are tears of joy and scaredness. 
Shawn: Hey, You know you are alone I am here for you right?
Me: I know baby.  I am so happy. I am pregnant. Oh my god.
Shawn: we are pregnant. Now come on get up. Let's wipe your tears and go outside only 2 mins till midnight. 

As we went out people were counting down.  5.....4.....3......2......1......

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Everyone said together and hugged each other and the couples kissed each other.

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