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Jan's Pov

After the grocery store, we went back to his parents and I made dinner already and Shawn and Liyah,  occasionally helped me. But when I was making cookies for desserts I wanted them to come help me. 

As we made dough Shawn started throwing a puff of flour on Liyah and me before I could back up from all that's extra flour I had left in the measuring bowl.

Me: Ahh,  you are in trouble Mendes.

I look at Liyah and she understood what we were gonna do. 

Liyah: hey, Shawn look what you did? 

He started looking and as he came near me and Liyah we just rubbed flour all over his face and got some on the hoodie he was wearing.

Shawn: omg you guys are so in trouble. You better watch out missy otherwise you gonna pay for it tonight.

He said pointing at me. Which made my cheeks turn red.  I think Liyah could also tell that I was blushing at this point. Liyah busted in laughter.

Shawn: what are you laughing at?

He said throwing a bunch of chocolate chips in the kitchen.

And without us realizing Karen and Manny were just standing and watching us and video taping us throwing flour.  And took a picture of when Shawn was puting chocolate chips in Liyah's mouth and I was laughing so bad.

Karen: Okay,  if you guys are done messing my kitchen can we have all this delicious food which is here on the table.

We all stopped what we were doing and were shocked.

Shawn: oh hey, mum and dad. How long have you guys been standing there.
Karen: long enough to video tape everything

Karen looked at me and winked which made me blush even more. 

Me: Okay let me put this cookies in the oven and I'll serve. 
Karen: And Shawn and Liyah please clean up here.
Shawn: Okay. I'll help her. And clean up after.

After all that we had dinner and Karen and Manny loved it. I glad that they liked it. After all that we sat and talked while eating cookies and then me and Shawn went back to the apartment. 

At Shawn's apartment...

Shawn and I were sitting and on Twitter.  I saw that he tagged me in the picture of me,  Liyah and Shawn covered in flour. 

And the caption said "had fun with this two goofs here. My sis and my girlfriend. Fun times.  I love you all"

Me: Baby, we haven't told your fans that we are dating and now they know.
Shawn: oops. I am sorry.
Me: you don't mean that oops. 
Shawn: you are right I don't.  I wanted to tell the world that you are mine.
Me: I am okay with being yours.

I said kissing him.

Shawn: now about that punishment
Me: what about it?
Shawn: you gonna have to pay for it.
Me: do I?

I get up and start running and forget everytime that his is taller and he can catch me no matter how fast I will run. I go into the bedroom and he catches me and we both fall on the bed.  Him being on top of me and and the fall made his lips and my lips touch. Accidental kiss again while falling. And that accidental kiss became more deep and deep.

Next morning....

Shawn: Baby, you up.
Me: yeah. Good morning.
Shawn: good morning. Last night was fun.
Me: Yeah it was. 
Shawn: I should punish you more often.
Me: you can do that or just ask.
Shawn: Wait did you just say that?
Me: yeah I did say that.

I said smiling on how excited he got just hearing what I said.

Shawn: I love you so much baby.

He said intertwining his figures with mine. I had my head resting on his chest. And holding each other's hands.  We were just chilling and my phone was vibrating constantly with notifications.

Shawn: what's that baby? 
Me: my Twitter notifications are blowing off. 

I open it and Shawn could see in my phone too. When Shawn posted yesterday he tagged me and a lot of his fans followed me. And we read some of the comments. Some of them were hate comments but I don't care about them at all. We did that for a while and then we were getting everything ready for the party. 

Today was new year's Eve which means my birthday was a day away. On January 1st. I know right. It's double celebration or what you would think. Shawn always have been talking about my birthday for at least a month left till my birthday and nothing this year. He has been not talking about it. I am turning 21 this year. But it was okay.

Me and Shawn had everything ready for the party. Me and Shawn were getting ready. I was doing my hair and Shawn was getting dressed and he came into the bathroom to check on me because I was awfully quite even though the music was on. I always sing along especially to Ed Sheeran and Shawn's own songs which he put on for us.

He came and hugged me for behind and putting he head in the crook of my neck.

Shawn: You okay?  

I turn so I am facing him. And

Me: Yeah. I am fine.

And kiss him. He kissed me back.

Shawn: why aren't you singing? 
Me: I am getting ready babe, plus for some reason I feel really tired.
Shawn: It's okay baby.  We did do a lot of decorations all by ourselves but I am sure you will be happy tonight. 
Me: yeah.  I am happy I am gonna see Zach and Amy and my friends and most importantly Karen,  Manny and Liyah.
Shawn: Yeah they are too.
Me: Hey babe. Can you help me with my hair. I can't curl them today. I don't why.
Shawn: sure baby. By the way I have a surprises for you today.
Me: You do. 

He was still doing my hair and doing a good job on it.

Shawn: Yeah. You know Why don't we?
Me: Yeah. Are you kidding I love them.
Shawn: Well they are coming tonight.

I turn to Shawn again making sure not to burn either of us. I was so excited.

Me: wait are you serious. Mendes you better not be joking.
Shawn: I am not baby. I am serious and they are also performing.
Me: omg that's amazing.  Thank you baby.
Shawn: anything for you baby.
Me: What is other surprises?
Shawn: that you will find out tonight.
Me: stop teasing me. Please tell me.

As he was about to say something there was a knock on the door.

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