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Jan's POV

Shawn opens the door and shawn holds my hand and we walk in.

Shawn: Mum, We are here.
Aaliyah: Hey, goofhead
Karen: Hey, sweety
Manny: Hi buddy.
Shawn: Hey guys. This is Jan and Jan this is Mum, Dad and Aaliyah.
Karen: Nice to finally meet you Jan. We have heard so much about you.
Me: nice to meet you too, Mrs. Mendes. I hope all nice things.

I say looking at Shawn.

Karen: you can call me Karen
Manny: Welcome Jan.  Nice to meet you.
Me: Same here, Mr. Mendes
Manny: you can call me Manny.
Aaliyah: I finally have a sister. Hi I am Aaliyah but I like you already so you can call me Liyah.
Me: Nice to meet you Liyah.

We all laugh.

Me: Shawn,  Liyah beet you when it comes to being funny.
Shawn: Yeah,  she does she is one mischievous little goof.
Karen: Shawn keep your bags in your room and freshen up and if Jan needs anything help her.

Shawn takes me to his room which I was dying to see because I only saw his room at his parents house when did little covers. I enter his room and look at it and turn around to him

Me: so this is where it all started.
Shawn: yup basically. See hun that wasn't that bad was it.
Me: Do you think they liked me?
Shawn: Hun they loved you. Liyah already loved you.
Me: That's a relief to hear. Baby, can you help me with this gifts to bring downstairs and put by the tree.
Shawn: Yup, you ready to go down sweety.

We go down and put the gifts under the tree. I go to the kitchen and ask Karen if she needed any help.

Me: Hey Karen, Can I help you with something?
Karen: No sweety, I am almost done. Why don't you guys go and watch some movies and then we will open presents
Me: Sure. Will you and Manny join later? I am excited for you guys to open your presents.
Karen: Yes,  we will be right there sweety. 

Shawn's POV 

Mum: Hey Shawn,  sweety could you come here real quick?
Me: sure mum.

I go to mum in the kitchen.

Me: I am here.
Mum: I like her. 
Me: I am happy to hear that mum. But why all of the sudden?
Mum: I look at the way she looks at you. And her eyes tells it all sweety. 
Me: Yeah. I love her mum. She was so nervous yesterday when I told her that we were coming over.
Mum: Really, she seemed so calmed when she was here.
Me: Right before we walked in the doors she was so nervous. But she gets along with people that she thinks that are sweet and kind. She loves you guys too. She kept telling that even before I brought her here. Mum can I tell you something?
Mum: Sure, sweety.
Me: I see myself spending the rest of my life with her.
Mum: You already know our opinion on that sweety. We totally agree to that.

We walk outside and see how Liyah and Jan were getting along. And we all sit and watch some Christmas movies and have dinner. After dinner it was finally time to open presents.
I could see how big Jan was smiling.  She was excited about giving her presents to all of us which I didn't even know when she bought them and wrapped.

I knew that my mom and dad got a joined present for her. And Liyah got for her. But I never thought my family already meant so much to her. I love her with all my heart.

Liyah decided to go first. She gave presents to everyone me, our parents and at last...

Liyah: and this is for my new best friend Jan, welcome to the family.
Jan: Liyah, you didn't have too. Thank you so much.

Jan said hugging Liyah.

Jan: oh my Liyah. I love this. It's just like the enchanted rose in the Beauty and the Beast. It's my favorite movie. Thank you so much.

Now our turn says mum and dad. They gave us our gifts and their gifts to each other.

Jan: You guys are gonna make me cry. I love this necklace.

It was a customized necklace with my and Jan's picture in it. From when I asked to be her girlfriend I send that pic to my parents.  And our initials on the other side.

Mum and Dad: welcome to our family,  Jan.
Jan: thank you so much. 

Okay we are all here huggers so a lot of hugging goes on everytime we are exchanging gifts or there is a good news. 

Jan got my mom am beautiful mug with a photo of me, Liyah, mum and dad's pic on it; she got a watch for dad. And she got Liyah this beautiful bracelet. It had charms on them. Again I had no idea when Jan did all this. And she gave me a what was a scrapbook from the very first day she met me till yesterday. I had no idea she did all this. The scrapbook was all about the good and the beautiful memories we had. In bag I digged in and there was this one guitar pic with a pic of me and her kissing.

This gifts were a lot to me.  I have my presents to my parents and Liyah. I took out a ring box from my pocket

Jan: Shawn....
Me: it's okay, baby. Don't cry. I am not proposing to you. We have time. It's a promise ring.
Jan: A promise Ring?
Me: Since that game day I knew that you would change my world. And I was right. You made my world so much bright. And I promise to you today that I will love you always no matter what and will be always by your side and no obstacle can come in our way. I love you Jan. 
Jan: I love you too, Shawn. 

After the presents,  my parents turned in and me, Jan and Liyah watched more Christmas Movies. Jan cuddled up to me and halfway thru she fall asleep.

Liyah: I think I am gonna go sleep.
Me: Goodnight Chica.
Liyah: goodnight, goofhead.

I didn't wanted to wake Jan up so me and her just crashed on the couch.

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