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Jan's POV

Wedding day morning. I woke up in the room. Last thing I remember I was with Shawn. All the girls were up and sitting and talking. I woke up I had about two hours before I absolutely had to start getting ready. I wasn't feeling nervous at all today. I think I needed last night and just to take to Shawn or just to see him before we got married,  my love for him just grow stronger for him day by day.

I got up took a shower wore a robe had breakfast and me and the girls were just talking in general.

Amy: Jan, are you feeling nervous?
Meher: yeah, you look nervous
Me: Actually I am not nervous at all. I think I am more excited then nervous. I love him so much and I can't describe how much and I am just gonna stop by saying thank you to that day that Amy and Zach took me to that game because that's when it all started.

And the time passed by and started to get ready. My makeup was done by a makeup artist and so was my hair by a hair dresser that Taylor arranged. Yes I mean Taylor Swift. We have been close since me and Shawn started dating. In fact she is coming to the wedding today. And after my hair and make up I put on my dress. And then Liyah came in with Skylar. I get her ready too. Her dress was a very light pink almost white but you can it was pink with flower belt. Of course she is still a baby so I didn't wanted to put a lot of material on her.

Shawn's POV

It was almost time for me to go out. I was still nervous. I don't know how Jan was right now. I love more and more every day. As I was sitting and thinking Brian walked in.

Brian: Hey man. It's time to go.
Me: okay. Thank you
Brian: Congratulations man. You are amazing and so is Jan. You guys make each so happy and I have seen it. It's normal to be nervous on your wedding day.
Me: thanks man. Let's go.

We go out. Everyone was sitting. The sky looked beautiful with the touch of pink color in the mix of blue and purple color. The water was perfect.

I see Taylor Swift, Camila Cabello and of there was Why Don't We boys and so many more. I go up to the priest and stand there facing the the side where Jan's suppose to go.

Jan's POV 

Zach came to get me. It was time to go out.

Zach: Ready, kiddo.
Me: Yeah.
Zach: Come on let's go. Here I'll take Sky.
Me: I love you big brother.

We walk out. Everyone stands up. My friends look at me some of them were already starting to cry. Shawn hasn't looked up from the ground yet.

Shawn's POV

I noticed everyone stand as Jan and Zach walking towards me holding Skylar. I look towards them and my heartbeat went so fast I could feel myself crying. Jan, She look indescribable. I don't words to describe her and our princess, the way she was dressed I knew that Jan dressed her but my eyes directly went back to Jan. That white dress with flower. She came and stood right in front of me. I looked at from bottom to top. She looked so gorgeous. I wish all you were there to see.

The priest started and we got the part where we had to say our vows it was my turn first:

"Jan, since that game I am glad that Zach and Amy left because they had an emergency at work from outside because if they came in you would have gone with them otherwise I would have never met you. I would never seen you phone screen and would have never seen you blushed in embarrassment at that moment. Janvi Elle Rose I love you so much. I will promise to love you and our little Skylar (says while kissing Skylar on the forehead) forever and protect no matter what and I can't wait to go on this amazing journey with you and our princess"

Then it was Jan's turn

"Shawn, I keeping looking back at that accidental kiss at the game that started our lives together and our amazing journey till today. You have loved me more than you love your guitars or you love your muffins (everyone giggles). And you have me Skylar who we love more than anything in this world. Since the day you started making music my life nothing but happy. Thank you so much for everything. I love you so much and I can't wait to see what our future brings is dear hubby"

After the vows we did our I do's and then we had our first kiss as husband and wife.

2 years later....

Skylar was 3 she could talk now. We were in the hospital.

Skylar: Daddy, will mommy be okay?
Me: Yes, Princess. Mommy will be okay. Your aunt Liyah will be here with you okay. I am gonna go check on mommy.
Skylar: I want to come.
Me: Honey, you can't baby, understand.
Liyah: I got it Shawn.
Shawn: Thank you. I am goong in.
Liyah: Skylar, did you know they had a water fountain downstairs? 
Skylar: Ahh, no,  can we see it pwease?
Liyah: Oh, how can I say no to you cutie. Come on.

Few mins later everyone was sitting outside the room. Liya was distracting Skylar and mum and dad and Zach and Amy everyone was there and call them in.

Me: Everyone meet Ethan Mendes.
Skylar: Who is that?

I giggle. 

Me: Come here sweety.

Skylar walks to me taking her short steps and stands in between my legs sideways.

Me: This is your baby brother.
Skylar: my Baby brother.
Me: Remember me and mommy asked you choose a name and you chose a name for him from the bowl for him.
Skylar: Yeah. Can I pet him?
Me: yes. Slowly.
Skylar: I love him so much Daddy.
Me: You are gonna be best big sister ever.

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