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Jan's POV

They all came in and behind them was the doctor. She was holding our little baby girl. I look at Shawn and smile a little and then we both at Liyah holding the baby.

Liyah: Why are guys looking at me like that?
Me: Liyah, me and Shawn decided that we want you to name the baby!
Liyah: Oh my god. Are you guys serious?
Me: yes.

She hugs me real tight and kisses the baby on the forehead and then go hug Shawn.

Liyah: Thank you so much. I love you guys.
Me: You are welcome.
Shawn: Chica, if you are done getting excited will you please name her? We can't call her baby forever.
Me: Shawn...
Shawn: Ok Ok sorry
Liyah: Okay I know. My favorite niece is gonna be named Skylar. Amy and Zach do you guys like the name?

They both nod in agreement.

Amy: I love Skylar.
Zach: me too.

They all at me and Shawn.

Shawn: Liyah, we love "Skylar".
Doctor: I have given all the instructions for next few weeks. You guys need to do skin to skin with the baby everyday both mom and dad and get her use to and comfortable with you guys for at least an hour. And I recommend to have a schedule for everything.
Shawn: Thank you Doctor.
Doctor: No problem, you guys can take her home.

Doctor leaves.

Shawn: Ready sweetheart.
Me: Yeah.
Shawn: Okay how about the second sweetheart?
Me: I think she is ready too.

In the car...

Liyah: today is gonna be a very special day for all of us. After all I am finally an aunt and you guys make the perfect family. I am gonna mark today a.k.a September 4th.
Me: You are so right Liyah!

I turn back to look at Liyah who was looking bat me in the back seat with the baby. I look at her in a way that she understood that I wanted to prank Shawn. I text Liyah the plan still checking on the baby who was sleeping. As soon as we get home I set the baby in the crib near by the couch that we set up and we went on with the plan.

Me: Liyah, so whatever happened to the plan where you were gonna bring your boyfriend over to meet us?
Liyah: y.....
Shawn: Wait hold on a minute. Boyfriend?
Jan: Shawn it's okay
Shawn: No it's not. Liyah you know I am not okay with this.
Liyah: Shawn seriously. Why? I just need an explanation
Shawn: No Liyah I said no. Once you will be in relationships we will lose you forever.
Liyah: That's never gonna happen you goof
Shawn: I can't take my chances.
Liyah: Sis-in-law I think we should end it.
Shawn: End what?
Me: Me and Liyah were just playing around with you baby.
Shawn: oh my god. How come I forget everytime that you are a prankster.
Me: I don't know babe. I am sorry.
Shawn: not this time.
Liyah: I don't actually have a boyfriend, Shawn.
Me: Liyah, it's okay. He can't be too mad at me. I just had his baby and he loves me.
Liyah: you sure.
Me: Yeah you go and rest a bit. You and everyone stayed up with me and kept me company.
Liyah: Alright. Bye. Love you.

She goes and kiss Skylar on the forehead and leaves.

Me: Shawn where did you go? Shawn stop kidding around okay you know I get scared easily alone here.

Skylar starts crying all of the sudden. I go pick her up in my hands and swing her side to side.

Me: Shawn look even Skylar is scared. Shh. Baby, Dad will be here soon. I don't know where he went.

I start crying because I was so scared and Shawn was on the patio/balcony just hiding and trying tinge the back. Well he did get me back pretty good. And he could hear me as well.

Shawn: Okay, I am here. Don't cry sweety.
Me: Where did you go?
Shawn: I was trying to get to you?
Me: Well you did. Please don't ever do that again
Shawn: Baby, it's okay. I won't.

We sit in the couch still holding Skylar and Shawn was hugging me.

Shawn: Jan, you should get some rest hun?
Me: But honey, I have to clean the kitchen?
Shawn: I will do that.
Shawn: Yes I will. Now come on. Baby Skylar is sleeping and you should be sleeping with her too.
Me: Shawn...
Shawn: I won't listen anything baby. We are already in the bedroom. Come on lay down. Good night honey.

Shawn was sleeping it was like 3 in the morning and Skylar was crying I woke up and checked on Skylar and took her outside so she won't wake Shawn up. When I went outside the whole apartment was clean. How did Shawn do this he knows.

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