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Shawn's POV

(Phone Call....

Shawn: Hey Andrew. What's up man?
Andrew: Nothing much. I am good. How are you guys doing?
Shawn: we are doing good.
Andrew: Why are you whispering?
Shawn: Because Jan barely slept at night. Baby Skylar kept her up all night and they are both sleeping.
Andrew: oh that's bad. She should sleep.
Shawn: yeah. Yeah keep telling her too. 
Andrew: Oh yeah. So IHeartRadio awards are coming up and the added two new categories in it this year. But first let's talk about your nominations
-In my Blood for best Lyrics
-Male artist of the Year
-Under Pressure for best Cover song
-Youth for song that left us shook
Shawn: Wow. This is crazy nothing would have been possible without you all.
Andrew: Josiah is also in for best tour photographer.
Shawn: He deserves it so very much. What were two new categories you were talking about?
Andrew: Yeah, those are Best couple and supporting wife.
Shawn: wait really. Do we have the nominations yet?
Andrew: Yeah, we do actually.
Shawn: And...
Andrew: Jan is nominated for best supporting wife/girlfriend and you and Jan both are nominated for Best couple.
Shawn: Oh my god. That is amazing. This has to be am surprise to her. No one is allowed to tell her. Please tell everyone. I want to tell her myself with a surprise.

Phone call ends...)

I am gonna give her a surprise. She deserves it so much. She is the best wife and I can already see her being the best mom in the world. Before she woke up I called the bakery down the street and order a chocolate strawberry cake with strawberry cut in it and with vanilla frosting decorated the sides of it with roses and in the middle it said "congratulations for being nominated for Best Supporting Fiancé and Best couple." Thank god she didn't wake up before I was done with the order. I heard door closed so she probably got up. I quickly make some break fast for us.

Jan: What is that delicious smell I am smelling?

She said walking over to me giving me a kiss as she always does in the morning.

Me: That smell is eggs, muffins and coffee.
Jan: That sounds delicious, babe. lets eat before our little princess wakes up and starts to run us around.
Me: Hahaha. Yes let's eat it.
Jan: Oh hey babe. I was thinking since you are home today we could go get some clothes and toys for Sky.
Me: Sure. That's sounds fun. You will pick out the clothes and me and sky will agree or disagree to it.

All of the sudden Sky starts crying.

Jan: I will go get her. She is probably needs her diaper change.
Me: Wait, you finish your breakfast I am already done. I will go change her and get her ready and how about you get ready so we could go get some clothes for our princess.
Jan: Thank you baby.

I go in and the first thing I do is text Liyah

(Text With Liyah:

Me: Hey Chica. I need a favor.
Liyah: Sure what's up?
Me: I ordered this cake at the bakery can you pick it up?
Liyah: Sure, but what's its for.
Me: Me and Jan were nominated for best couple and Jan is nominated for best supporting wife/girlfriend so I wanted to surprise her. Also you, mum and dad have to be here by 4 and can you text Zach and Amy and invite them over as well. me and Jan are going shopping for Sky and will be back by then and the cake should be done by 2. Jan has no idea its a surprise. I already texted mom for dinner but can you check on her if she needs help with anything.
Liyah: That's amazing. Sounds good. see you later.
Me: Thank you x )

I quickly change Sky, get her ready and take her to Jan who was almost ready. For someone who had just given birth a day ago, she looked so beautiful. She was carrying no baby weight. I wouldn't mind her carrying her baby weight because I loved her belly when she had Sky in there even though I didn't spend more time with her. I will always regret that. I try so hard to stay strong because when I heard that one of the babies died I was heart broken so I can't imagine what Jan would have been through.

Me: Look here. Daddy and his little princess are ready to go when mum is.
Jan: I am ready. I should feed her before we go. Do we have time?
Me: Yeah, we have plenty of time. It's 12:00pm honey. Feed her and then we'll go.

While she was feeding I text Mum to confirm if everything was going okay. and then we went shopping. We got some clothes, toys and other necessary things and then we bought some clothes for us and returned home. Liyah had already given me a text saying everything was set up.

I open the door and Jan go in because she was carrying Sky in her little car seat that she can carry around with her. We entered Jan was surprised seeing them there. Before telling her anything we all sat down and talked and also kept checking on Sky. Don't worry didn't forget our little angel. Mostly Liyah had her. It was almost dinner time and the table was already set up with food. we all had dinner and then Jan and mum did the dishes, it was almost 9:53pm.

Me: Hey, What's for dessert?
Liyah: We brought a cake.
Me: Yum. Babe would you mind bringing it out.
Jan: Sure.

we were all standing by the table she brought out the cake and I got the Bowl and forks. she opens the box and looks so confused.

Jan: What's going on?
Me: Babe, So IHeartRadio added two new nominations in this year. One is Best Couple and the other is Best supporting wife/girlfriend and you are nominated for both.
Jan: I am nominated for one and WE are nominated for the best couple.
Me: How come you always ruin YOUR own moment.
Jan: Because its not worth it if you don't have a part in it. But this is Amazing. that means that all the nominations are out. what other categories are you nominated in?
Me: In my Blood for best Lyrics, Male artist of the Year, Under Pressure for best Cover song, Youth for song that left us shook.
Jan: Those are all amazing baby. Congratulations
Liyah: We ARE still here, you know. Now can we get cake.
Jan: Yeah.

She was blushing so bad after what Liyah said.

Me: This is not the only thing you guys were invited here for today......

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