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Shawn's POV

Next morning....

I wake up hearing camera shutters.  It was my parents and Liyah of course.

Mum: Look at how adorable they look
Liyah: don't tell Jan but I already have her name a sis in law in my phone.
Dad: Karen, take pics before they wake up.
Mum: Aww, look at them.
Me: you guys do know that I can hear you all right?
Liyah: uh oh. Hope Jan didn't hear. 
Me: She didn't chicha. Don't worry. You wanna wake her up our way?
Mum: Shawn, you guys have fun I will make breakfast.

I go to and stand up beside Liyah and we yell "Wake up,  Jan!!" and started running towards her and jumped on her try not to hurt her. She wakes up and see me and Liyah laughing.

Jan: I see, I am on to you all. Shawn you already know how big of a prankster I am?
Liyah: That doesn't scare me.
Me: It should Liyah. One time I was showering and she changed my shampoo to just tomatoes crushed with seeds before I went in.

Jan and Liyah started laughing and I could hear mum laughing from the kitchen.

Jan: oh no. What time is it?
Me: 10am. Why? 
Jan: Shawn, remember I wanted to make breakfast for your parents and Liyah today, and I think by this delicious smell she is already done making breakfast.
Me: I forgot, baby. But, I think you can make dinner instead.
Liyah: Yeah, mum and dad are going out with their friends in the afternoon and will be back in the evening so maybe we can surprise them.
Jan: that's sounds amazing. 
Liyah: Good one with the prank though.
Jan: Oh I have so many I will tell you all later.
Me: Oh,  so now I have my sis and my girlfriend on the same team.
Mum: also your mum.
Me: Mum,  you too.

I said as we all walked into the kitchen.

Mum: Yeah I am excited to hear all the pranks
Jan: I am excited to say.

Jan's POV

Me: I will be right back. I am gonna call my brother and Amy and my friends and wish them merry Christmas
Shawn: Okay baby, come back soon.

I go call my friends first.

(Phone call....

Me: Hey Meher!!!
Meher: Hey someone seems happy.
Me: Merry Christmas! 
Meher: Merry Christmas Jan. Why are so happy though
Me: Meher, I am so happy with my life right now.  I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend, and his family is so adorable I love them.
Meher: that's awesome Jan. I am glad that you are happy. If Shawn ever breaks your heart I will break him. 
Me: Meher, Shawn will never do that.
Meher: I think you guys are gonna end up together forever.
Me: Meher,  I have to go now but Merry Christmas and also me and Shawn are throwing New Year's party and you have to come and Amanda and Cayla are also going. 
Meher: Okay bye Jan. Merry Christmas

Phone call end)

After calling Meher I call Zach and Amy.

Zach: Hey sis. Merry Christmas
Me: Hey Merry Christmas Zach. Hey can you call Amy and put me on speaker.
Zach: Sure. What's going on?
Me: Hold on let sis in law come first?
Amy: Hey Amy.  Merry Christmas sweety.
Me: Merry Christmas Amy.
Amy: you seem so happy. What's going on?
Me: So remember when I told you that I am at Shawn's house.
Zach: Yeah.
Me: well yesterday day on Christmas Eve we came to his parents house. I was so nervous. But they were so welcoming It didn't feel like I was meeting for the first time. I never told this to Shawn but he is my happy place. Whenever he is around me I feel safe and his parents are just so sweet and adorable.  I love them too.
Amy: Jan,  that's awesome. Me and Zach are so happy for you.
Me: Can I tell you something?
Zach: of course.
Me: I don't want to be with anybody else except Shawn. If he were to ask me to marry him right now. I would without even thinking say yes. 
Zach: Okay, sis. You are 20. We have time okay.
Amy: Zach,  you gotta shut up. Don't you see she is in love. Don't break it or... We will talk later Zach.
Me: Guys I have to go I think someone is coming and plus I want to spend more time with his family. We live tonight and then see you all at the new year's party. 

Shawn's POV

I was going up to call Jan because she had been up there for so long and mum and dad were leaving soon,  so I wanted to tell her to get ready and make a list of what she wanted to make food.

When I heard she was still talking to Zach. I know I shouldn't have listened to it but I wanted to know her opinion on me because I love her more than anything and I would do anything for her and it's hard for her to show emotions and how she feels but I think that's getting better because she has been telling me things lately and I can help her with it.

Anyway what I heard was like heaven to my ears and I know that she is ready to marry me as she kept it to her brother and sister in law.  I finally snapped out of my thoughts and knocked on the door. She had just hang up the phone

Jan: come in

I went and hugged her from the back.

Me: Hey baby, mum and dad are leaving soon so why don't you get ready and then me,  you and Liyah go get groceries for what you gonna make? 
Jan: sure baby. I'll get ready and come down.
Me: okay.

As I was I walking out.

Jan: Hey baby...

I stopped and turned around

Me: Yes??
Jan: I love you.
Me: I love you too baby. Now come go get ready.
Jan: okay.

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