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Shawn's POV

I hated to see Jan like this. She was bleeding so bad and and her beautiful white shirt was covered in blood and so was mine. I was cleaning the wound up and she was holdong my other hand amd i let her. She was looking deep into my eyes but i knew that she felt pain because as soon as I cleaned her wound with the antibacterial medicine she squeezed my hand so hard.
Her tears were still falling down and I was trying to calm her down but nothing was working. So I remembered that she loves Beauty and the Beast. So after putting a bandage on her head. I go wash my hands and turn the movie on. I go sit by her with one of my hand around her shoulder and I put a blanket on us amd get all cozy. She looked adorable even though her eyes were swollen from crying. She turns slightly towards me amd puts her head on my chest and cuddled up with her hands hugging me.

Jan: Hey, Shawn.
Me: Yeah sweety.
Jan: thank you
Me: thank you for what?
Jan: for everything you did for me?
Me: no problem.

I say taking her hand amd caressing the back of her hand. She looks up to me and look back at her with a smile. And the movie was at the part where Belle and beast are dancing. The environment was so romantic. I found leaning in and soon I found my lips on hers. Electricity through my veins and spin. She breaks the kiss.

Me: I am sorry
Jan: no dont be sorry. Its just that i just broke up with Liam.
Me: No hey, i understand. Domt worry hun.

We finish the movie and by the time i turn to ask Jan I see her sleeping while she was still cuddling me. I didn't wanted to wake her up, because it felt like she was finally having rest and peacefull time. So I decide to stay there. I give her a little kiss on her forehead and go to sleep.

Next morning.....

I woke up to the sun rays falling directly on my face. I rubbed my eyes and try to sit up when I remembered that Jan's head was on my chest and she was sleeping. I didn't move because I didn't wanted her to wake up. I just sat there and was going through my phone and enjoying the moment. This feeling I get around her What is that, not that I mind getting this feeling. I love this feeling. I felt a moment.

Me: Good morning
Jan: Good morning, Shawn. Oww
She sits up holding her neck.
Me: does it hurt?
Jan: yeah.

I said jokingly.

Me: Btw if you didnt know you snore.
Jan: Ahh. Um. Really. Well its good to getting used to it Mendes.
We both started laughing.
Me: okay, I am gonna go shower.

While i was going to shower Jan went to the kitchen. She always make coffee in the morning. I dont know what she puts in it but its the best coffee I have ever had. I go pick my clothes and go take shower. I could smell something delicious from the kitchen and I couldn't wait. I get out the shower amd forgot to take a towel. Ugh shawn why did you forget to take a towel you dumbass.

Me: Jan..... Jan??
she comes running in.
Jan: What happened?
Me: can you get me my towel?
Jan: ooh this is gonna be fun.
Me: whatever your cute little mischievous mind is planning dont do it, just give me the towel
Jan: I am not planning anything....

Jan's POV

Shawn shouts my name out from the bathroom. I run thinking something happened but he just forgot his towel. He asked me to give it him but come on you all me better I had to play around with him a little. I can be serious when i have to be but I am also the one who likes to have fun in moments. I might think Shawn has an idea that i may play around with him.

Me: ooh this is gonna be fun.
Shawn: whatever your cute little mischievous mind is planning dont do it, just give me the towel
Me: I am not planning anything...
Shawn: Jan, please give me the towel.
Me: Okay I will what will get in return?
Shawn: anything you want.
Me: okay. Smart anwer. I will take your towel. Haha.

I run out to the kitchen with his towel. He somehow manages to take an extra rug that i had just out in last night after washing it. It was big enough to cover his lower half till his knees. He runs out after me and I start running as well from trying myself not to get chased by him. I was laughing and he was asking me to him his towel back.

Shawn: you are so gonna pay for this when the time comes.
Me: Shawn, here's your towel.

I said running and suddenly I hit my bed and fall on to it and my leg hits Shawn's foot so he falls right on top with his hands on side. He looked deep into my eyes as if he was about to kiss me. And it made look deep into his beautiful hazel eyes which my grip to his towel loose. As soon as it did he takes the towel and gets up and runs into his room.

And all I could do is think about his beautiful hazel brown eyes, and his perfectly shaped nose and his lips and his abs. All of sudden i snap out of my thoughts and go out. And i see Shawn walking out his room dressed.

Me: You are such a tease, Mendes.
Shawn: Hey i told you i would get back at you
Me: Yeah well that was a great way. But....
Shawn: But..... What?
Me: Nevermind

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