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Soon I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned and it was Shawn. Before I could say anything he pulls me in to a hug and whispers into my ears.

Shawn: Hey

Then he releases me and looks up and down and his mouth stays open

Shawn: you look so cute and beautiful
Me: Thank you
Shawn: No problem. What happened to your voice by the way?
Me: I may or may not have screamed all the lyrics and all the songs while you were performing.
Shawn: haha okay. Were you the one who also screamed I love you Shawn  out loud.
Me: umm....  yes.  What gave it away

I say gently tapping the back of my head.

Me: wait you heard that?
Shawn: Yes I did.  And that's why I looked around here to search who it was because I couldn't see anyone's face.

All of the sudden why dont we starts performing 8 letters you know the song that say "I love You".

Me: i love this song.

I turn and enjoy the song. And shawn pulls out his phone and record me. I noticed but i didn't wanted to say anything because i didn't mind. After the song shawn walks near me and brings his hand with which he was holding his phone over my shoulder and says smile and i look over at him and he was trying to kiss my cheek and we accidentally kissed again. We both look at each other into eyes but i didn't want his fans to catch him so we ignore and he takes some normal selfies.

Me: You know you stilk haven't send me those pictures from the game Shawn.

Shawn was enjoying the moment with ne and he was listening to his heart for once so probably had no idea what said.

Shawn: Maybe because i might have enjoyed that day, gorgeous.

I look over to shawn to confirm that he just said that but he was just enjoying so i didn't say anything. After the concert Meher left half way after Shawn's performance and Shawn was walking backstage to hus dressing room.
I hug him goodbye.

Me: Bye shawn, you were amazing tonight and i have to go now to catch an uber to get home.
Shawn: thank you beautiful. Wait did you say you have to catch an uber?
Me: Yeah. My friend was here but she was here feeling good so she went home.
Shawn: hey um.. Would you like to go wity me? Today was my last jingle ball and i dont hace anything tomorrow either.
Me: Umm. Sure.
Shawn took me back and i just couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he called me Beautiful and gorgeous.
Shawn: here we are. Why dont you sit and relax and i will be right back.
Me: okay. Sure.

Shawn's POV

I have to call Brian and tell him what I did

Brian: Hey man! What's up
Me: Hey Brian. I am so stupid.
Brian: no you are not. What's going on?
Me: Remember that girl I told you about well she was at the concert tonight and after i performed i was standing back near the control section and she was right like 3 to 4 steps away from me and i could stop myself and went and said hi I took a whole video of her dancing to 8 letters and accidentally kissed her again.
Brian: Shawn, that's insane and you are totally in love with Jan why dint you just tell her.
Me: Oh did I mention i called her beautiful, cute and gorgeous while I was there.
Brian: Shawn, you have to stop holding you feelings back and tell her before anyone else does. I an pretty sure she likes you back as well.
Me: You think so I am so nervous and when i am near her i just completely get lost and don't know what to do.
Brian: Shawn, you are amazing and don't be nervous take a deep breath and go and tell her.
Me: thanks man. I will. I will talk you to later.

I hang up and walk back to my dressing room just to see Jan holding a glass bottle. She saw me standing there

Jan: Shawniee, you are back. Yay.
Me: yes i am. Jan are you okay why are you acting so funny?
Jan: yeeaahh i am fine. I just had thus peach drink. Which was amazing by the way.
Me: What peach drink?

I say thinking to myself.

Me: OH NO Jan You didn't. NO..NO..
Jan: Yes iiiii did. Its amazing.
Me: oh no sweety you are drunk.

She stands up and walks towards me keeping herself from falling. She wraps her hands around my neck

Jan: Yes i am drunk in love.

She leans in and tries to kiss me. I pull back. As much as i wanted to kiss her, she was not herself right now and i know for a fact that she wont remember any of this in the morning.

Me: Jan you are very drunk. You don't know what you are doing. Let's get you home.

She takes her hands off of my neck and starts to run in the room

Jan: No, you have to catch me first.
Me: Jan, come on lets go its late.

I start to catch her. I am taller then her so i could take big steps and catch her.

Me: Can we go now. I caught you.
Jan: Fine. But only if you put my Shawnie's songs on on the way
Me: okay I will.

We hold her as we are walking to make sure she doesn't fall we put her in the passenger seat, buckle her up and i go and start the car and start driving to my apartment. Half the way she was asleep and she hold my hand all the way. I park the car pick her up in my arms and open the door to my apartment and put her in the bed and cover her with the blankets.

Me: Good night beautiful.

I said while kissing her forehead and went to sleep on the sofa

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