Chapter Four - Michael

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The walk to Nando's was spent in two groups, 5SOS walking together slightly ahead while Nice one, Newton trailed behind a little bit; they were discussing possible song choices for their setlist on the upcoming tour.

The 5SOS boys had their setlist picked out for the last few weeks, although Luke seemed to always want to make some sort of adjustment to it. A different cover here, a new original there.

Michael sat between Luke and Matt at the table when they arrived at Nando's. There was eight of them so everyone was seated pretty close together. Michael, Luke, Matt and Ashton on one side and Isaac, Jeremy, Calum and Felicity on the other.

Michael and Felicity sat as far from each other as possible, not on purpose but it just seemed as though they naturally avoid each other. Clearly not getting a good vibe from the one another.

She didn't like how loud he was and how he acted when she was talking to Calum in the waiting room of the office. He didn't like how she basically ignored everyone but Calum when they introduced themselves.

He liked the other guys in the band though which he was thankful for, he didn't want to have an awkward three months with a band he couldn't stand. At least he would be able to avoid Felicity as much as possible.

"So you guys just got off tour?" Luke was the first to speak after they had all sat down.

"Just a few days ago actually, six week tour." Jeremy told him, putting down his menu. "You just finished a tour with One Direction right?"

"Yeah it's fun, but we're excited to be headlining again now." Michael smiled, and Felicity scoffed. "Sorry?"

"It's funny that you guys toured with a pop boyband and now you're touring with us, an actual band."

"I think what she means is, we didn't expect to be invited on your tour. Just because our styles seem to be a lot different." Matt glared at the girl, who sank a little lower in her seat.

"We've always said we're not a boyband, our music is a bit punkier than 1D's but we're not claiming we're a heavy band. We try to appeal to a wide range of audiences." Ashton explained, glancing at Felicity every few seconds hoping she would understand. He just received a nod of indifference from the purple haired girl.

Michael looked over at her squinting his eyes in confusion. She was going to be hard work on this tour, he could already tell.

"So... should we order now?" Someone asked (though no one was paying attention as to who), trying to clear the obvious tension.


After being stopped for just over an hour by a large group of fans, the boys had finally made it home after their meal with their new support band. Michael instantly collapsed on the couch, burying his face in a cushion.

"Come one Mike, we have to start packing." Ashton said, grabbing Michael's leg and pulling him off the couch. Michael's body hit the floor with a loud thud.

"I don't wanna... I'm tired." Michael whined, not even reacting to being dragged to the floor.

"If you get up now I'll make you a chocolate milkshake..." Ashton sighed, knowing it was the only way to get his friend to cooperate.

"With the good ice cream?" Michael question, sitting up and staring at Ashton hopefully.

"When is ice cream anything but good?" Ashton laughed, taking a hold of Michael's hand and pulling him up to his feet.

"You know that weird shit Calum buys? The low-fat stuff that tastes like disappointment."

"Ooooh yeah... don't worry I'll use the good stuff."

Ten minutes and two milkshakes later Michael finally agreed to start packing. Calum always made lists of everything they would need before going on tour, and made them double and triple check everything. But, of course, they always forgot something.

On the last tour, Michael forgot about packing socks. He literally had the pair he was wearing when they set off, so when Luke was sleeping he decided to steal all the socks out of Luke's suitcase and hide them in his own. Luke was left puzzled when he went to change the next morning to find he had no socks. Michael still hadn't told him what he did.

Michael's packing consisted of throwing anything he saw laying around into his suitcase and hoping it would suffice for the duration of the tour.

"So what do you think of the support band?" Luke asked his bandmates as they all tore through their clothes finding anything clean they could take with them. Calum had downloaded a few of their songs and was playing them in the background as they packed.

"They're really good, the basslines are fucking sick." Ashton commented, tapping his foot along in time with the bass drum.

"Yeah they're good." Michael agreed, though he was barely listening.

"They're really awesome, as people too." Calum added, throwing a shirt over to Michael.

"Meh I dunno, the guys are really nice but the girl is a bit... um, rude." Michael said, throwing a few more pairs of jeans into his case.

"Felix is really cool man, you just have to introduce yourself without being loud and obnoxious like what happened in the office today." The bassist laughed as he spoke, something that Michael didn't appreciate.

"You already have a nickname for her? It took you almost a year for you to start calling me Mikey and you call her Felix after a few hours?"

"Is someone a little jealous?" Calum questioned, raising his eyebrow and laughing at Michael. "Don't worry Mikey, I'd never replace you."

"All I'm saying is, she could have interacted with us a bit more, instead of just shrugged and answering questions with one word." Michael sighed, trying to zip up his overflowing case.

"Whatever man, I think she's cool." Calum replied, pulling his suitcase up and standing it against the wall.

"Of course you would, she plays bass. You'd think a fucking panda playing bass is cool." Michael threw his arms up in frustration.

"In fairness man, that would be pretty sweet." Luke called from the bathroom across the hall. Michael glared angrily in his direction, even though he knew the boy couldn't see him.


the picture on the side is isaac

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