Chapter Nine - Felicity

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Due to the fact that Nice Once, Newton had only been a small time band up until the tour with 5 Seconds of Summer, they hadn't been asked to do many interviews and especially not on the radio. Not that they had been offered the chance this day, only the four Australian boys were asked.

Jeremy, Isaac and Matt had decided they would go buy new underwear considering they had a habit of underpacking that essential. Originally, Felicity had planned to join the boys to make sure they didn't buy too much junk they didn't need but, Calum had other ideas.

"Will I even get in? Everyone has passes." She questioned as they entered the lobby of the station.

"They'll give you a pass too, it's fine." Calum stated, trying to reassure the girl by his side.

Once at the desk, Ashton spoke to the woman politely, making sure to ask for an extra pass for their female friend. Figuring that if the girl wasn't given a pass, the boys would walk, the woman handed over five passes, each with their names on. The boys had laminated ones which admittedly, Felicity wished she had but she was happy with hers, so long as she didn't spill any liquid on it and smudge the writing.

"Hey, I'm Kristen!" A woman with black hair and dark brown asked greeted as she stood infront of the group. One by one, the boys introduced themselves.

"This is Felicity." Calum announced, his hand on the small of the lilac haired girls back. "It's alright if she sticks around, right?"

"Yeah sure, I get that girlfriends want to see what their guys do." Kristen grinned.

Luke, Ashton and Michael sniggered as Calum and Felicity blushed.

"She's not my girlfriend." Calum tried to clarify but Kristen had alreayd headed off, motioning for the group to follow. "Uh, this is going to be an awkward interview."


Felicity was perfectly content with sitting at the very edge of the room, watching and smiling as the boys joked with Kristen who was hosting the radio session. But then something happened that she never thought would, her bands song played just before they came back from a break.

"Hey! That's Fe's band!" Ashton announced grinning widely, either not noticing they were back on air or not caring.

"It is?" Kristen looked at Felicity who nodded. "I love Nice One, Newton but I never knew what you look like." She grinned whereas Felicity only smiled lightly. "If I knew that I would've invited you to join us earlier. Bring over your chair."

"Oh, no, I'm fine." Felicity tried to say but Ashton was alread in front of her, pulling her office chair over, her still on it. He sat her between him and Calum before putting his headphones back on.

"You alright?" Calum whispered to Felicity as the attention left her for a moment while Michael made a joke.

"This isn't my thing." Felicity whispered back, almost frowning at Calum but she knew the session was being recorded by the various cameras around the room.

"It'll be fine." Calum took the girls hand comfortingly, hoping it'd go unnoticed but he wasn't that lucky.

"So, I was going to ask who's single but obviously, we don't need to ask you, Calum." Kristen announced, grinning at the bassists looked at her.

"Uh, we're not-"

"You're holding hands, Cal." Michael stated giving his bandmate an odd look.

"Just because I hold a girls hand, it doesn't mean we're in a relationship." Calum rolled his eyes, his hand still in Felicity's, not that she gave him a choice. She was gripping onto his digits as if he's run away and leave her otherwise.

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