Chapter Twenty Six - Michael

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The irony was not lost on Michael and Felicity that two days after they became an official couple the tour would end. Well, in all honesty, the irony of their entire relationship was not lost on them. They went from enemies to lovers in so little time, it was cliché but they didn't care.

But now, they would be forced to spend three weeks apart, but there was always Skype. Michael didn't get any service in the States so texting and calling would be difficult. It was only three weeks though, Felicity didn't see it as a big deal considering some couples went years without meeting.

Michael constantly pointed out that even though they were about to do long distance, at least they knew the other was the real person, he had recently developed an obsession with Catfish. Felicity would also have to point out that they weren't doing long distance because they were going to see each other twenty one days later.

But they were happy to have one last day together, even if most of it would be spent preparing for the last show of the tour. The couple sat on the edge of the stage, lightly kicking each other's feet every now and then, just watching the crew set up for soundcheck. The two would try to sneak little glances at the other when the other wasn't looking, Michael would always see Felicity out of the corner of his eye and couldn't hold back the grin that would form on his face.

"I'm going to miss you when you guys go back to England." Michael told his girlfriend. Girlfriend. Thinking about that title he could now give her sent a cluster of butterflies to his stomach, before Felicity he couldn't imagine being in a real relationship but now he wasn't looking back.

"We did three weeks of hating each other, I think we can handle three weeks of being apart." Felicity laughed, she liked that he was going to miss her. It eases her nerves about the time they would be apart.

"I wouldn't say I hated you, we just didn't see eye to eye." Michael responded, he refused to admit he ever held a dislike for the girl he was sat beside. When the boys found out that he and Felicity were in a relationship they teased Michael for his once distaste toward her, and he went off sulking claiming he never hated her.

"Come on Michael, we hated each other. Don't even try deny it."

Michael didn't answer her statement with words, but rather he answered by placing his lips to hers and catching her off guard. She gasped at the feel of his lips touching hers but quickly molded into the kiss, shifting slightly so she was closer to him. His hands found her hips and her hands found his hair, the passion in the air was palpable and as it deepen they completely forgot they were in public.

"We know you're a real couple now but no one wants to see that." Calum's voice could be heard as he entered the stage, followed by Luke and Ashton.

"Do you have to be such a cock block?" Michael whined letting himself fall backwards so he was lying on the stage.

"It's what I'm here for." Calum smiled down at his bandmate, before walking over to wrap Felicity in a hug. "And anyway, we have to soundcheck."

Felicity took that as her cue to walk off and let the boys soundcheck, she needed to let her bandmates know that they were up for soundcheck in about a half hour.

"Hey Felix, are we still on for later?" Calum asked the girl before she disappeared out of the side stage exit.

"Uh, yeah. Meet me here after our soundcheck." She told the Kiwi boy before waving to Michael once more and skipping off down the hall toward the dressing room where her three best friends were most likely to be.

"Later?" Michael turned to his best friend, raising an eyebrow at him.

"We're going to get food before the show since we're not going to see each other for three weeks." Calum shrugged as he turned to fiddle with the knobs on his bass amp.

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