Chapter Seventeen - Felicity

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As the days passed, Felicity noticed she was almost entirely neglecting her band to spend time with Calum and Michael but mostly, Michael. She felt really bad about it, because of her, usual band tour traditions had been skipped out on.

Admittedly, this tour was a lot more hectic than they were used to but that was part of the package when touring with a band made up of four popular, attractive teenage boys.

"We need to do a live video." Felicity stated suddenly.

"A what?" Michael asked from her side where he had been talking about a new video game he wanted but of course, Felicity was ignoring him, like she often did when he talked about games.

"Where are the guys?" She questioned, noticing that her band wasn't in the lounge with them, like she thought they had been.

"They went to check in."

"We're at the hotel already?" Felicity jumped up to look out the window, noticing they were parked out the front of the hotel they were staying in for a couple of days. "When did we get here?"

"Like ten minutes ago. Have you been ignoring me that long?" Michael whined, following Felciity to the back lounge so they could both collect their things.

"You know I don't care about these games, Michael." She sighed.

"You could at least pretend to." The pair walked back towards the front of the bus, frowning when they realised there was no-one to guide them into a building, to stop the mob of fans outside from getting to them. "Fuck, this is why you should've been paying attention to me." Michael gave Felicity a look which she returned like a mirror.

"I give you more attention than my own fucking band."


"I don't even spend as much time with Calum anymore. It's always you."

"Not in my eyes."

"Are you trying to say I don't spend enough time with you?"


"Fucking hell, you're like a clingy boyfriend." Without warning, Felicity flung the bus door open, glad that none of the fans were near the bus, believing that the bands were all in the hotel already. "Quick step Clifford."

"Why're you calling me that if I'm you're clingy boyfriend" Michael scoffed, not paying mind to his volume or the fact that in that instant, the fans that had noticed their appearance took his sentence as fact.

"Shut up." Felicity rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand to pull him through the crowd that was getting tighter and tighter around them. "Guys, can you give us some space, we just want to go to bed."

"Please guys." Michael begged, glad the fans respected the pair as they slowly back up, letting them through. "We will try to come meet you guys after the show tonight so please don't hang around here, it's going to rain soon."

With that, they entered the building, after persuading the guy at the door they were supposed to be in there and weren't just crazy fans.

"There you are!" Ashton grinned as he walked away from the desk and towards the pair, looking at their connected hands and smirking. "Did you have fun on the bus?"

"It wasn't like that." Michael stated as their hands separated. "She was off in her own world, ignoring me, again."

"Back me up here Ash, tell this idiot I spend more time with him than anyone else, he seems to believe I'm wrong."

"She does." Ashton agreed.

"You're like a couple sometimes, it's cute." He giggled when both of his friends glared at him, cheeks tinged pink. "Come on, we're on the top floor, our room's really cool."

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