Chapter Eighteen - Michael's POV

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I woke up the next morning in the most uncomfortable position possible; my leg was draped off the couch and at first I couldn't even feel it because it had gone dead, my arm was bent and squished under my body so when it finally became free it was in pain and my head was bent against the arm of the couch, leaving a creak in my neck. To top it off, half of Felicity's body was sprawled over mine so I couldn't move until she did.

If it were any other person I probably have thrown them off of me by now and laughed as they complained about been thrown on the ground, but this was Felicity. I was a total dick to her at the beginning of the tour and have been trying since to make it up to her in everyway. I also wouldn't throw her off me because she'd kill me, or castrate me- one of the two.

I suddenly envied Luke when I saw him still sleeping, even though he was on the much smaller seat, that his enormous height made look even smaller. At least he could still get somewhat comfortable.

After what felt like forever Felicity finally began to stir, I could hear her mumbling to herself as she became conscious again and noticed I was underneath her.

"Oh hey Mikey." She yawned, stretching but not moving from her position atop my body.

"Yeah hey Felicity, uh do you mind maybe not lying on top of me anymore?" I replied, squirming a little bit underneath her.

"Nah, I quite like it here. You're a comfortable pillow, Clifford." She replied, moving slightly so her head was resting on my ribcage.

Neither of us spoke again after that, we just lay there in comfortable silence aside from the occasional giggle about the faces Luke was making while he slept. It wasn't until we heard a cough from behind us that reminded us we weren't the only three staying in the room.

Felicity hopped off me to see who interrupted the silence between us and I sat up, but didn't turn around. I knew I was blushing and didn't want anyone to see; I wasn't really sure whether it was that I was basically cuddling with Felicity or being caught cuddling with Felicity that made me blush.

"Oh hey Jer, hey Matt." She said, greeting her band members before walking away to the kitchen with the pair to make breakfast, I would assume.

"What happened between you and Michael last night?" I could hear Matt ask Felicity a few seconds later.

"Nothing, in case you didn't notice there was a 17 year old giant knocked right beside us."

"Oh so you're saying if he wasn't there something could have happened." I could almost hear the smirk in Matt's voice, and just knew Felicity was rolling her eyes at the singer.

"We stayed up talking, like we always do and ended up falling asleep. No big deal."

"Don't deny you have some feelings for him, Fe."

"I'm not denying anything, I'm just also not confirming anything either." Felicity replied to Matt and I could see her walking toward out of the open span kitchen. I turned around from where I had been watching their conversation take place and pretended to still be laughing at Luke.

I was smiling to myself though, knowing there was a chance Felicity could like me. I definitely liked her, I'd never met anyone like her. She was something new and something different, and she made me laugh more than Calum did which was always a bonus. She was just an amazing girl, and I had to admit she looked pretty hot in my leather jacket.

The more she opened up to me, the more I felt myself falling for her.

"What are you smiling about?" I heard her ask as she sat down next to me with a punnet of grapes in her hand.

"Luke looks like one of those pug dogs when he sleeps." I said, picking up a grape and throwing it at Luke, hitting him right on the forehead. He jumped and woke up instantly, and saw Felicity and I laughing at him.

"I hate you guys." He muttered, burying his face back into the cushion he was lying on.

"And we love you too, Lucas." Felicity replied, throwing another grape at him and hitting his cheek.


We had a magazine shoot that day, which was long and boring. It involved sitting around for eight hours, only to spend about twenty minutes actually taking photos. I hated them but we've been told it comes with being in a 'famous' band.

It was still hard to believe we were considered famous. 5 Seconds of Summer, a famous band. It was insane because we didn't see ourselves that way. We were still just four Aussie boys who spent far too much time playing video games instead of learning the lyrics to the songs we were going to play.

After ages we finally got back to the hotel and I collapsed on my bed straight away, I felt like I needed to sleep for at least a week. But of course in a hotel room with seven other band members and Liz Hemmings, sleep is but a luxury.

Liz had decided she wanted both bands to go out to dinner that night since we never to seem to get to do things together. As she put it, "Michael and Felicity are always off doing their thing so I feel like it's time you all did something together."

I was definitely up for it, I don't think the eight of us had gone to dinner together since we had Nando's on the first day we met. We returned to Nando's, and this time Felicity sat across from me, beside Cal and Jeremy. I didn't mind not sitting next to her because it meant I, at least, got to see her face.

The meal was spent in a daze of conversation and laughter, we talked about the tour and how great it was going.

"I'm so excited to go to the states soon, we've never been." Isaac said as we talked about the next leg of the tour.

"We did a stint over there with 1D but this is first headliner over, some of the venues are the biggest we've ever headlined." Ashton said and I sense him growing more and more excited with each word he spoke.

"Also, cheesesteaks." Calum added, bringing up the food we tried the last time we were there.

"And they have like 90 different flavours of coca cola." Luke spoke, and I rolled my eyes at how enthusiastic he was about the many tastes of coca cola.

When we finished our meal we decided it was best to go back to the hotel, some fans had found out where we were and pretty soon after a huge crowd had gather outside the restaurant. Fortunately, they couldn't come inside unless they were going to take a table and order food. We decided that because the group was so big it was best we leave through the back of the building.

Felicity, Calum, Ashton and I shared a taxi back to the hotel with Felicity snuggled into my side as she drifted to sleep in the car. I looked down at her and smiled contentedly, just glad she was part of my life.

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