Chpater Fourteen - Michael

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The next few days were spent in a blur of soundchecks and shows. Time passed by to the seemingly never-ending sound of "testing, testing. 1,2, 1,2. check, check."

Not that anyone was complaining, they were on tour and it was amazing.

The only downside was the two bands didn't get to spend as much time together as they hoped to, and they didn't have another day off for almost a week. It was show after show for the next few days.

Nice one, Newton had their soundcheck first so they needed to be up before the boys, or on some occasions the boys had already left to go to signings and by the time the soundcheck for 5 Seconds Of Summer rolled around Nice one, Newton had either crashed in their dressing room or gone out for food.

They were playing in a huge venue in Dublin and then Germany so there was a lot of preparations for the nights, and all the time seemingly wasted on soundchecking was ultimately time well spent.

The upside was they got to spend their time in Ireland in a hotel because there wasn't much pointing in bringing the bus over on a ferry.

"Michael, stop playing that ridiculous song and focus!" The sound tech almost screamed, he was growing increasingly frustrated with the guitarist, whose hair had faded into a dirty brown.

Michael decided not to abide by the rules of soundcheck and was currently dancing around the stage while playing the theme song from Spongebob Squarepants, because you know, he's punk rock. Punk rock, and very, very bored of soundchecking the same song three times in a row.

"What if we just spent the entire set playing the theme songs to our beloved childhood TV shows?" Michael suggested, and he was completely serious. Nobody even bothered to respond to him, they were all to used to Michael.

"Oh I got it, We should play a set of just Will Smith covers!" He exclaimed, jumping once for emphasis on his excitement.

His suggestion earned an eye roll from everyone but Calum, who almost keeled over laughing. It wasn't Michael's idea that was funny, but rather the thought of them actually do that, and it had him in stitches.

"What's so funny?" Felicity asked as she stepped to the side of the stage, she decided she missed her 5SOS boys and went against going to lunch with his bandmates to watch their soundcheck.

"Oh hey Felicity, Luke just said that you're way prettier than me and Calum's laughing so hard because he knows it's not true." Michael told the girl, who joined in the eye rolls that he received again. Even though the pair had grown significantly closer in the last few days, he still didn't call her by a nickname.

He said it was because he felt like people needed to earn their nicknames, and when she did something worthy he would know what to call her. But in honesty, he just really liked her full name. Felicity, it was melodic and he loved saying it.

"You do look better in a dress, Clifford, I'll give you that one." She replied, squeezing his hip so that he'd jump and squeal.

Michael immediately started chasing her around the stage, trying to get her back and knocking over a microphone stand in the process. His escapade earned a groan from the sound tech, who was as sick of soundchecking the same songs over and over as the boys were, but it was his job to make sure everything was working perfectly so the boys could have a perfect show.

Felicity quickly bent down and stood the microphone back up again, before sending the tech an apologetic look. He just sighed and went back to fiddling with dials on the soundboard.

"I just probably leave you guys to get back to your soundcheck." She said, holding her hands up in surrender as Michael lunged toward her.

"Actually Felicity, while you're here we have something to ask you." Ashton told her, stepping out from behind his drum kit for the first time in over an hour.

Outta My Limit | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now