Chapter Five - Felicity

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Only a few hours left to go until the first show of tour and every member of Nice One, Newton hadn't even started to pack.

"Seriously, guys?" Maria sighed in annoyance as she walked into the living room of the bands house. From the get go, Maria had a key to the house for times when the band was being lazy and refused to answer the door, which was fairly often.

"We've been busy." Isaac responded, not taking his eyes from the TV screen which was showing the video game he was playing with Jeremy.

"Doing what exactly?"

"Well, yesterday, Fe baked an apricot cake." Matt stated looking up at Maria from staring at his laptop as he and Felicity listened to 5 Seconds of Summer.

They figured if they were touring with the band, they might as well learn some of their music.

"Is there any left?"

"Yeah, help yourself." Felicity motioned towards the kitchen even though Maria already knew the layout of the house perfectly.

Maria wandered to the kitchen so Matt got up and followed her.

"We should probably get ready now." Jeremy muttered as the game finished and stood up.

"Can't we play like this?" Isaac whined. Jeremy looked at the younger boy who was laid across the sofa in his Superman boxers.

"The girls would love it." Felicity mused smirking at Jeremy who was also only wearing boxers. Matt was in a similar state and Felicity was in shorts and a vest top.

Jeremy stared at the girl for a moment before looking back at Isaac with a stern look, his cheeks tinged pink.

"Come on man." Jeremy grabbed the drummer by the arm and pulled him off the sofa and started to walk to the stairs, Isaac tripping over his feet as he tried to follow.

Felicity looked at her phone as it buzzed. Calum was video calling her. She picked up her phone and pressed answer. Calum's smiling face popped up onto the small screen straight away.

"Hey, Felix!" He exclaimed. "Are you on the way to the venue yet?"

"No, we're not even dressed." She laughed slightly. "Are you?"

"Yeah, I was going to get the driver to stop by your place so we can ride together."

"You don't even know where I live, Cal."

"He does! He's stalking you, Felicity!" Ashton yelled in the background making Felcity laugh slightly.

"I'm not, I swear." Calum defended himself after glaring at his bandmate who was giggling a seat away from him. "Text me your address and we'll be right over."

"Fine." Calum simply grinned before ending the call. She sent him her address as she wandered up to her room alerting her band to their soon to be visitors too.

"You going to show Calum your bed?" Isaac smirked at Felicity as he walked into her room.

"Oh yeah, why else would he be coming over if not for a good, hard fuck?" She rolled her eyes as she buttoned up her jeans, not checking to see if she was alone before stripping off her vest and putting on a clean t-shirt.

Privacy wasn't exactly a regular occurrence in the household. They had all been friends since they were very young. Knocking before entering another person's bedroom was unheard of so it was rare for a door to even be shut in the first place.

"I bet you're into really kinky stuff." Isaac mused, picking up one of Felicity's beanies from the floor and putting it on his head. "Proper hardcore bondage. Whips, chains, melted wax. The lot."

"You know me so well, Isaac."

By the time the Australian's arrived, the British teens were all in the living room, throwing whatever clean clothes they could find into their cases.

"You guys haven't even packed yet?" Luke asked shocked after being let in by Maria who was supervising the packing.

"What's this?" Calum asked pulling out a little toiletry bag from Felicity's case. He opened it and pulled out a little box. "What're these?" He pulled a face as he opened the box to see little trays of pills.

"It's so you don't get her pregnant, mate." Isaac grinned.

"What?" Calum looked back at Felicity, even more confused than he was before.

"It's called the pill, it stops my period." She explained.

"Ohh." He quickly put the box back in the bag then the bag in the case. "So you won't have a period while we're on tour?"


"Cool, we can go swimming a lot then." He grinned and started to tidy her case, folding the messy pile of clothes.

"There's apricot cake in the kitchen, if you want some, by the way." Matt announced, zipping up his cases. He always packed the fastest and the others didn't understand how he did. He took more items of clothing that didn't get used than the others but always finished first. It made no sense whatsoever.

"It's really good." Maria stated.

"I never say no to cake." Michael announced before following Maria into the kitchen along with Ashton.

"Don't you want any cake?" Jeremy asked looking slightly offended for Felicity.

"I'm not hungry." Luke responded and looked at Calum who was debating getitng up.

"Is it any good?" The male bassist questioned.

"Of course it is, I made it." Felicity grinned at Calum.

"Is it poisoned?" He joked earning a playful shove. "If I get food poisoning, you're being my nurse." He winked then laughed before going to the kitchen.

Luke then finally sat down in the arm chair, his eyes gliding to Matt's laptop that was balancing on the arm.

"You were listening to us?" He asked.

"Yeah, figured it would probably be a good idea." Matt responded. "You guys are pretty talented."

"Thanks." Luke beamed. "So are you. We were listening to your latest EP on the way over."

"Really?" Jeremy made a face. "It's shit."

"What? No, it's good." Luke looked shocked that Jeremy would even suggest a thing. He looked around at the rest of the band he would be touring with to notice they all looked displeased. "You guys really don't like it?"

"The label we were on fucked it up real bad. They gave us a bogus producer who wouldn't let us have a say." Isaac explained.

"Damn, that really sucks." Luke looked up as his band entered the room, each with a slice of cake. Michael had already devoured half of his piece but Ashton and Calum were too busy talking to Maria to eat as fast.

Felicity finally finished packing her belongings and done up the zips, slipping her phone charger into her backpack from the plug socket so she didn't forget it like the last tour. Six weeks without a phone isn't very fun.

"You have to teach me how to make this, Felix." Calum announced, sitting on Felicity's lap on the floor.

"Please?" He begged giving her his best puppy dog eyes and pouty bottom lip. No-one can turn down Calum's puppy face.

"Fine." She agreed making him smile before finishing off his cake.

"You made this?" Ashton asked shocked. "This tastes really professional. It's actually better than the cake we got at this really fancy bakery last week."

"Really?" Aston nodded gaining a smile from the girl.

In turn, he smiled, the girl hadn't smiled at him before, she barely even spoke to him so he felt like he was getting somewhere with their friendship.


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