Chapter Twenty One - Felicity

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Nice One, Newton had decided that they were going to finally make a full length album, maybe even double disc if they wrote enough. They were fed up of EP's because really, what band needs five EP's.

Unlike some bands, every member had a big part in the writing process, they hadn't ever had anyone outside of the band involved in the song writing, just the production.

So, the four of them sat around the table in the front lounge of the tour bus, each with their own note books out, scribbling out lines as they came to them.

"What the fuck are you laughing about?" Isaac asked looking across the table at Felicity who was giggling madly to herself, tears almost spilling from her eyes.

"Just-I can't even say it." She responded rubbing at her eyes through her laughter.

"This may be the best thing I've ever done."

Instantly, Jeremy reached out and took her note book to read the full set of lyrics she had wrote in the past twenty minutes. He gave her an odd look as he passed the book over to Matt who was sat opposite him.

"You need to get laid, seriously." Matt laughed before handing the lyrics back, knowing Isaac had read them already as he was laughing from the oldest boy's left.

"I knew you'd think it's about sex, it's why it's so brilliant!" She announced, finally no longer laughing before climbing over Jeremy to walk over and hand her book to Calum who was sat on the couch using his laptop.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Read it, tell me what you think it's about."

Calum did as told before looking up at Felicity with raised eyebrows.

"Your private thoughts of Michael." He offered and just then, Michael walked over and took the book. Felicity allowed him to read it, trying not to laugh at the expression that covered his face when he was done and looking at her.

"I don't even know what to say." He mumbled licking his lips. "Is that really-?"

"It's not about sex." She laughed taking her book back.

"Then what?"

"Murder." She grinned evilly. "I wanted to write about killing someone without it being obvious."

"There's no way that's about killing someone." Calum scoffed, snatching the book to read the words more carefully. "This is about the rough sex you want to have with Mikey."

"Michael doesn't have blue eyes." Felicity rolled her eyes.

"Who are you planning on having rough sex with, hm?" Michael asked playfully.

"Think, who has blue eyes?"


"Well, he is and attractive guy and I'm sure he'd be a decent fuck-"

"Hey!" Michael pouted at the girl making her giggle. "You're not allowed to have sex with anyone but me, okay?"

"What if I don't want to have sex with you? What if I want to use my hand?"

"I'm fine with that."

"Good because I'd probably get more pleasure from it anyway."

The boys all 'ooh'ed as Michael stared at the girl blankly, the insult not quite sinking in as quickly as it should've.

"Why do I even like you?" He groaned once the offence kicked in.

"I have nice boobs." She grinned.

"Prove it." Michael smirked.

"Can't, got an album to write." She winked and walked over to the table, noticing Jeremy had suddenly wrote a lot and clearly had used a lot of pressure while scrawling down the words. "Sorry." She mumbled touching his arm gently, cutting him off mid word.

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