Chapter Sixteen - Michael

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That night Michael and Felicity went to dinner- again. Unlike Felicity, Michael insisted they both casual and comfortable; although he did love the shirt Felicity had bought him the last time. He also couldn't stop thinking about how gorgeous she looked in that dress, but an outfit like that wouldn't have been suitable for where he was planning to take her.

Michael Clifford wasn't one for fancy restaurants, if the menu had words he couldn't pronounce then he wasn't going to eat there. He also felt like going to fancy restaurants at eighteen years old made him look extremely out of place. That, along with his wild hair and ripped jeans.

"So where are we going?" Felicity asked, linking her arm with Michael's, it was more out of habit than anything else. Michael blushed a little bit as he felt her hand brush off his.

"Bowling." Michael replied, scratching the back of his neck. He had planned the whole evening out; they would go bowling, play a few video games and have dinner in the diner that was in the bowling alley. It wasn't anything special, but it wasn't like they were on a date or anything.

"I'm gonna kick your ass at bowling, Clifford." The girl smiled up to him and Michael breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she accepted his plans.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the bowling alley, it was pretty late so there wasn't many people there. Thankfully, they didn't get mobbed by fans this time. Michael wouldn't be able to face being kicked out of a bowling alley.

They set up their station, tapping their names into the interactive scoreboard; giving each other a nickname instead of their actual names. Michael became 'Mikeypoo' and Felicity was 'Fefe-pops.'

"Really Michael, Fefe-pops?" She laughed as his choice of nickname. Michael had never called her by a nickname before and she really hoped that this wasn't his way of starting, because out of all the nicknames she'd ever been given 'Fefe-pops' was definitely at the bottom of the list.

"Really Felicity, Mikeypoo?" He mimicked, placing a hand on his hip and cocking his head to the side to make it clear he was mocking her.

Felicity smirked at him, letting him know she was ready to beat him at this game. Michael smirked back, certain that he would be the victorious one. It quickly became a staring contest between the two, both of them so determined not to be the one to look away.

Eventually Michael grew tired and turned to choose his bowling ball. He picked a bright orange coloured ball, that seemingly being the only colour he had yet to dye his hair. He managed to hit 8 pins on his first shot and one more on his second; pleased with himself he smiled as he sat down.

Felicity was up next, choosing a dark purple bowl because it kind of matched her own hair but not really. She lined herself up and swung her arm back before propelling her arm forward again and releasing the ball. She swung it with such force that Michael stood up from his seat, both of them thought she was going to get a strike. Michael burst into hysterics when the ball swerved sideways, knocking down only two pins. Felicity ignored his laughter and took her second shot; this time hitting three more pins.

"You suck at this game." Michael said through his chuckles. Felicity turned around and playfully slapped his arm, and Michael pretended to be offend. To any onlookers, they probably seemed like an average couple on a date. But, of course, this wasn't a date.

"We have a while to go yet, Clifford." She pointed out as she sat back down, waiting for Michael to take his turn.

By the end of the game, Michael came out on top, which didn't surprise him at all. Bowling was the only physical activity he enjoyed and he prided himself on being better than all his friends. Luckily for him, Felicity wasn't a sore loser like Luke was and she just congratulated him on his victory before requesting they go eat. Michael didn't need to be asked twice because he was starving and ready to devour a cheeseburger.

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