Chapter Ten - Michael

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"Let's do something new and unpredictable!" The boys in 5 Seconds of Summer sang out to the crowd, who screamed the lyrics back.

It was the end of their set in Birmingham and the last date in England. They had two dates in Scotland, one in Belfast and then the UK leg of the tour was over and they would tour the rest of Europe for just over a month before heading to the states.

They said their goodbyes, Ashton threw out his drumsticks and they ran off the stage. Nice one, Newton were already outside the venue meeting fans, 5SOS showered and joined their support band outside pretty soon after.

It was just past midnight when they finally got back on the bus, they were going to stay in a hotel for the next but decided it would be a better idea to start the drive to Glasgow considering it was going to take almost six hours. So they all planned to get pizza and watch movies for the night.

"There's an all night pizza place just down the road we could go get a few pizzas from there?" Matt suggested, looking up from his phone where he had googled the location of pizzerias in Birmingham.

"Sounds good." Luke replied, grabbing some money from the safe on the bus.

"I think the six of us should go and get the pizzas and leave Mike and Fe here, I'm sick of hearing them argue about everything." Ashton sighed when the pair were out of earshot.

"Yeah, maybe if we leave them together on the bus they'll start to work things out." Isaac agreed as he laced up his shoes.

"Unlikely, but we can give it a shot." Calum responded. The six boys quickly hurried off the bus before Michael returned from the bathroom or Felicity returned from her bunk where she was charging her phone.

Michael walked out to the main area of the bus just a minute later to find it completely empty. He figured everyone else went out so he switched on the TV and put on one of the music channels. He landed on a channel that was playing Punk Rock 101 by Bowling For Soup and found himself dancing along to the song. He jumped up on the couch, pretending he was on stage again. He belted out the lyrics like it was the last chance he'd get. He was having fun, until he heard giggling coming from beside him.

"Nice moves." Felicity laughed as she walked over to the couch.

"Oh, uh, I thought I was alone."

"Yeah, I could see that. Where is everyone?"

"No idea, I texted Ashton but he hasn't replied yet." Michael told the girl as they both sat down.

Felicity looked at her phone just as the screen lit up, it was a text from Isaac that read; "Gone out to get the pizzas for tonight. Left you and Mike to make up don't kill each other ;)"

She sighed as she showed Michael the text and Michael sighed in response. Sighing seemed to be the only form of communication that they had with one another.

"So, um, are you enjoying the tour so far?" Michael awkwardly asked Felicity after sitting in silence for a few minutes.

"Don't even try to make awkward small talk, it's just embarrassing." She replied, scrolling through her twitter feed. "Aw man I love this song!"

Michael looked up at the TV, where the video for Girls by The 1975 was playing. As much as he hated to admit it, Felicity had amazing taste in music.

"Wrestle to the ground, God help me now." Felicity sang under her breath as she tapped her foot in time with the beat.

"They're just girls breaking hearts, eyes bright, uptight, just girls." The two of them sang in unison and pretty soon after the two of them were up and dancing like Michael had been just ten minutes earlier.

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