Chapter Eleven - Felicity

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Felicity glared at her bunk, noticing that her belongings were no longer in there.

"Are you fucking shitting me, Clifford?!" She yelled and instantly, Michael fell into fits of laughter in the front lounge. "You better sort this out right this second!"

"No way!" He responded, looking up as she stormed over to him. Suddenly, he fell silent as she pushed her hands against his chest, pinning him to the sofa.

"Not in front of the guys, babe." He joked, unsure of what to do. The girl had a look in her eyes that made him think he should've left her stuff alone.

Honestly, he was a little scared.

"You are going to sort that shit out, you understand me, Michael?" She warned in a low, menacing voice, leaning closer to the guitarist who could only stare.

"Did I fucking stutter?" She glared, putting her hands on the back of the couch either side of his head, their noses almost touching. "Well?"

"N-no." he responded, glancing over at his friends for help but they only watching, knowing that Michael had to deal with this alone.

"Now, are you going to be a good little boy and put it all back?"


"Good and if it's not exactly how I like it, I will fuck you up." Felicity straightened up and put her hands on her hips. "Why're you staring at me? Go sort it out!"

Michael jumped up and ran to the bunks.

"Damn, Felix." Calum spoke, both impressed and amused.

Felicity only smirked in satisfaction as she sat in the space Michael previously claimed.

"Why don't you ever dominate us like that?" Isaac asked, slapping on a pout as he looked at the girl.

"Because you guys don't need to be dominated."

"I do, I really do."

"Shut up, you creep." She laughed, looking over at the bunks when she heard a thud. "If you've broken anything, I'm going to be so pissed." She warned loudly as she got up and walked over to Michael.

He was knelt on the floor, holding his head, leaning against Luke's bunk.

"Did you hurt yourself?"

"Leave me alone." Michael grumbled, slurring his words slightly.

"Let me see." She knelt down in front of him and reached up to move his hands but he flinched back. "Michael, let me see."

"Why? You don't care."

"I do."

Slowly, Michael looked up at the girl and once he realised she was being honest, he moved his hands away, revealing a cut surrounded by purple just in his hairline.

"How did you do that?" She sighed gently pushing his hair back and shuffling closer to get a getter look.

"I almost dropped that photo you won't even let me look at, so I bent down to catch it and hit my head on Calum's bunk."

"Did you look at it then?" She asked leaning back to look at Michael's face.

"No." He mumbled looking down at his hands. "I figured I was in enough trouble already."

"You can look, if you like."

"Really?" Michael glanced up long enough to see Felicity nodded. He reached out and grabbed the frame from the floor beside him and turned it over.

Felicity burst out laughing as Michael turned pink.

"Why do you have this picture framed in your bunk?"

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