Chapter Twenty Three - Felicity

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Despite the first kiss shared, Felicity and Michael didn't act any differently with the other and it took Felicity bringing it up for things to change.

"You know, you have really nice lips." She stated, as casually as she could while waiting for their coffees to arrive.

They were on a coffee date, just the two of them even though Isaac and Calum tried very hard to join even tried to convince them it'd be a double date.

"What?" Michael chuckled looking up at Felicity from the packet of sugar he was playing with while they waited.

"They're soft." She mumbled with a shrug.

"Thanks." He chuckled again, his cheeks slightly pink. "Yours too."

Felicity nodded slowly, looking down at her hands and for a few minutes, it was silent ont heir little table.

Even after the waitress placed down their coffees and tried to flirt with Michael, the table was silent.

"Can we do it again?" Felicity asked earning a confused look from the guitarist who had his cup to his lips.

"Do what?"


He choked on his coffee at the simple word, shocked she'd ask to kiss him again. He wasn't sure how she felt about it, when it happened, he thought she liked it but because nothing had changed, he had started to doubt his skills.

"You want to?" He asked, once he finally caught his breath back, his cup then ont he table so he didn't almost drop it again.


"What does that mean?"

"It means I liked kissing you and want to do it more often." Felicity responded slowly, uncertain if Michael was genuinely confused or just trying to be awkward.

"I got that part, I mean, what does that mean about us."

"I don't get it."

"Our relationship."


"Yeah." He chewed on his bottom lip as he waited for the bassist to respond.

"I still don't think a relationship is right for us, at least at the moment."

"So what, we'd be like, friends with benefits?"

"Yeah, I suppose." She shrugged and stirred her coffee.

"Does that mean we get to have sex?" He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively making Felicity laugh.

"No, not yet."

"I thought you'd say that." He grinned. "But I'm fine with that, so long as I get it eventually, when you're ready for it."

"Well I'm glad we sorted that out."

"Me too."


Felicity's lips were stretched into a smile, an expression that had been glued to her features all day thanks to the new relationship status she had with Michael.

It wasn't a full relationship but it meant they had spent the day cuddling, hands connected and sneaking little kisses when nobody was looking.

Even while Michael laid on top of her, his head on her chest and his hands holding onto the side of her ribs, the girl was still smiling, even if Michael was snoring and drooling on her.

"Wakey wakey, Mikey!" Ashton yelled walking into the back lounge, banging on every surface he could making Michael wake with a choke.

"That was mean." Felicity stated pouting at Ashton who only giggled and ran off.

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