Chapter Thirteen - Felicity

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Jeremy glared at the floor in front of him as Felicity walked in and out of the changing room, a different outfit each time.

"Jer!" She exclaimed noticing he wasn't looking up at the dress she had on.

"What?" He grumbled looking up, his expression softening at the sight before him. "That is perfect for you." He admitted noticing how the pale blue material showed off the girls figure but wasn't in the slightest bit revealing, something Felicity looked for in her outfits.

"Really?" She grinned turning to look in the mirror.

"It actually matches your eyes."

"It does." She agreed giggling. "This one then?"

"Yeah." Jeremy nodded. "I'll go pay, you get changed."

Felicity slipped back into the room, closing the curtain behind her before removing the dress. Once it was back on the hanger, she stuck her arm out of the room so Jeremy took the dress over to the till.

"This is?" The girl behind the counter asked as she scanned the tag.

"Uh, what's that necklace?" He asked pointing to a display behind the girls head so she retrieved it. "Can I have this too?" He asked after admiring the jewellery, thinking it'd go well with the dress.

"You have good taste, your girlfriend is lucky." The girl smiled, scanning and bagging the new item.

"She's just a friend." Jeremy looked at the girl awkwardly as she handed over the cash.

"Really? You don't look at her like she is."

"Don't remind me." He grumbled before thanking the girl and taking his bag.

"Do you think my boots will be fine with it?" Felicity asked as she joined Jeremy, back in her normal clothes, her arm linking with his.

"They stop too far up your calf, you need ankle ones." He responded before taking the girl into a shoe shop.

Even though he was upset that she was picking out an outfit for the dinner she was taking Michael on, he still wanted to help her feel good about herself so he agreed to go shopping with her.

"You know, he's not going to make this much of an effort." Jeremy stated as they purchased the shoes that took only moments to pick.

"He will even if i have to physically dress him myself." She mumbled making Jeremy chuckle. "I know it's not a date, I know it's just a bet dinner but I don't do these kind of things half arsed. Either we dress all nice and go somewhere good or we wear trackies and end up at Tesco café."

"I know." Jeremy laughed.

Felicity had always been the same in that sense. For her it was all out or don't bother and it was one of the things he grew to love about her. He knew that whoever got the chance to go out with her would see her make a big effort.

He only wished he was the one that made the bet with her in the first place. But , he would've let her win.


Felicity skipped over to the bench Michael was sat on and plopped beside him, placing a bag on his lap.

He had been quite happily playing a game on his phone while waiting for the guys to get whatever they wanted to in the store when she joined.

"What's this?" He asked looking in the bag as he pocketed his phone.

"You're going to wear it tonight." She grinned as Michael pulled the shirt from the bag. "I figured you don't have a nice clean shirt here."

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