Chapter Twelve - Michael

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"Is Felicity still out with Cal?" Michael asked no one in particular when he walked into the living area of the bus.

Luke was sitting on the couch, pigging out with ice cream and brownies, Matt was watching the television while Isaac and Jeremy played Mario Kart on their battered, old Nintendo DS' and Ashton was nowhere to be seen, he was probably hiding away somewhere thinking of a new drum track.

Michael couldn't bring himself to call Felicity by anything other than her first name. He felt like he didn't know her well enough to call her by a nickname; Cal called her Felix and Ash and Luke called her Fe, but seeing as he and the purple haired bassist weren't exactly buffies he didn't want to overstep his boundaries. Which admittedly made him laugh, considering she had a picture of him naked stuck to the ceiling of her bunk.

"Yeah, I think they went to the movies or something. Why?" Luke questioned, Michael only ever cared about Felicity's whereabouts when he was planning to prank her and we all know how the last time turned out.

"I came across this vintage Batman comic in town after the meet and greet today and I thought I could give it to her as like, some sort of peace offering or something. I dunno..."

Luke's bright blue eyes stared at Michael in utter confusion. Even Matt looked up from the latest episode of Pawn Stars when he realised what Michael had said. Luke found himself laughing at his best friend.

"Wait, let me get this straight. Not alone are you planning to be nice to Fe, but you actually bought her a gift, that isn't some rude novelty?" The blond haired singer asked, trying to make sense out of a seemingly impossible scenario. Matt was just staring at Michael like he'd just watched a demon being exorcised out of his body.

"Yes." The guitarist shrugged like it was no big deal. He could be nice sometimes too.

"Ash, get in here!" Luke called for the drummer, who immediately came running from wherever he had been.

He was surprised when he saw there didn't seem to be a reason why Luke had called for him so urgently, he half expected Michael to have hit his head again. But his expression turned to one of amused, shock when Luke explained the situation.

"You don't just come across a vintage Batman comic. You totally went looking for it just for her." Ashton teased, watching Michael's cheek flush slightly red. Michael never didn't anything like this for anyone, so Ashton was definitely taking the opportunity to tease him for it. "You did, didn't you? You probably ages picking out the best comic too and I bet you got Cal to ask who her favourite superhero was so you wouldn't get it wrong."

"I feel bad for how I treated her at the start of the tour, I'm trying to make it up to her man. Stop being such a dick."

"Hey Matt, Michael's in love with your bassist." The curly haired drummer announced, causing Jeremy's head to instantly snap up from the game he was playing.

"I am not!" Michael shouted back, praying that his cheeks didn't go anymore red. "I'm just trying to be nice."

"I've known you for years and not once have you bought me anything!" Luke interjected, feeling slightly offended at the realisation that Michael had never gotten him a gift before.

"I've gotten you birthday presents before."

"Your mum paid for those!"

"Yeah well, I've always been a dick to you and you've never made me bang my head off the bunks. Don't hold your breath for that gift."

"Wow Mikey, you're growing up." Ashton giggled, placing a hand on Michael's shoulder. Michael just flipped him the finger and returned to his bunk.

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