-Hyunsuk; cold

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I was standing in the middle of nowhere debating on whether should I call him or not. Ever since I confessed I kinda cut him off. We haven't talked for week he called me and texted me every day. In school I managed to avoid him wich was easy since we don't have the same classes and our lockers are on the opposite sides of school.

I could feel myself being watched so I started walking. It was getting colder and i had no jacket with be because I forgot it on the bus after school.

I still had this feeling of being watched and also being followed since I started walking. I didn't want to turn around. I've been walking for a while now and still feel very uncomfortable.

It was now completely dark and the lights that were supposed to illuminate the streets weren't doing the brightest job.

I still didn't know where I was and kept waking. I looked at the time and it was 11pm. I've been walking quite a while when I finally convinced myself to call him.

I dialed his number and held it up to my ear. I was now shaking and my tears were about to flood out.

He almost immediately go picked up. "Oh finally I've-" I cut him off. "Please help me" I stuttered. "What's wrong" he asked full of concern.

"I got lost and someone has been staring at me so I continued walking" I started sobbing. "What street are you in" he asked as I heard him shut the door. "Umm" I looked around for a sign."baker Street"(couldn't have been anymore random lol) I said. "How the hell have you gotten there" he chuckled. I remained silent.

"I'll be there in a bit" he said. "No plea-" i wanted to ask him to stay on the phone but he already hung up.

I saw a bench and sat down there. I still felt eyes on me. I was so uncomfortable and continued crying.

A few minutes later my tears became less. Suddenly I heard footsteps I was to scared to lift my head. "It's okay I'm here" he said panting while pulling me up and into a hug. How the hell did he make it so quick? "Thank you" I tightened the hug.

He pulled apart "why did you cut me off" he asked. I was expecting this question. He had all the right to ask. "I was just so embarrassed so I ran off and tried to avoid you" I mumbled.

"Hey" he said coming closer while wiping off the tear stains on my hot cheeks. "There's no ne-" I cut him off by laying my arms around his neck, pulling him closer and smashing my lips on those of his.

I could tell he didn't see it coming because he pulled away. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" I said as I lowered my head.

He smiled at me. "Can you let me talk for a second please" he questioned as he lifted my chin so I looked at him.

"So what I wanted to tell you since you ran off was" he paused. "That I love you too" he finished with him now leaning in. And bam soon my lips met his again.

I felt butterflies and fireworks. I smiled into the kiss and could feel him too.

We pulled apart smiling brightly. "Will make me the honor and be my girlfriend" he asked. I nodded "yes yes yes".

He put his arm around my shoulder and gave me his sweater. "Let's get you home"

I hope you liked this one it was madly inspired by a chapter of yeosangz af I believe it was with yunho. Have a great day!

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