-Jeongwoo; best friends

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[requested by @littlechickpassingby]

I woke up to someone snoring. This dude. Turned my head to see Jeongwoo still sleeping with his mouth slightly opened.

I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he looked with this string of drool coming from the corner of his mouth.

His eyes squinted then shot open at my sudden laugh. "Rise and shine" I continued to laugh and he just rolled his eyes getting up.

It was kind of our usual Saturday routine. I would always stay over at his house one weekend and he at mines. We even were allowed to sometimes have sleepovers during the week.

Our dads were good friends since elementary school, wich why we knew eachother basically since we were born.

Very conveniently for us we even had the same birthday, just that he was born at two am and I at 5pm. We always celebrated together.

I once dragged Jeongwoo to our favourite ice cream parlor. We were sitting opposite of eachother at our favourite window seat. As he was eating his chocolate come, I couldn't help but notice little things I've never really payed attention to.

Seeing his eyes shine while munching on his ice cream made me realize a change. Ever since that day I knew I fell in love with my best friend.

I tried to hide it and push this tingly feeling I'd get, every time I was with him, away. Unfortunately it never worked. I always try to drop hints but he just doesn't seem to notice.

He grew to have a new habit wich was wrapping his arms around me while sleeping. He didn't do this before. It made it always hard to fall asleep for me, because my heart wasn't beating at its normal pace.


"Let's go explore the city today, we haven't done it in a long time" Jeongwoo recommend, as we were trying to find out what to do. I hastily nodded, feeling really exited.

We got dressed and walked over to my  bed. I suddenly felt tired.


"I can't believe we fell asleep again, wake up" Jeongwoo was shaking me. I fluttered my eyes open,"what". I quickly got up and rushed to my shoes and put them on. He quickly followed my actions.

After we put on our jackets we left. Our moms were also out having a girls day or so. More like a mom's day hahahaha. No? Ok.

The sun was already setting, we paced to the bus stop so that we wouldn't miss the bus. "I don't think we ever went out to the city that late" Jeongwoo said as we stood up. "I know right it's going to be one of the best days ever" I told him.

"How would you know" he asked and I replied with a shrug smiling as I payed for our tickets. We took a seat in the back.

When we got off the bus it was already dark. The stars shining bright through the dark sky. The street lights illuminating the surroundings. The warm summer noon breeze hit my face.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I couldn't even hear Jeongwoo talking to me. I heard him saying something but I couldn't catch what. He suddenly grabbed my had and pulled me.

His touch made me feel flustered. I felt my cheeks heat up, my heart beat increase. We arrived at the top of a building. I don't even know how we got there. I wasn't paying attention at all.

He turned over to me and took both my hands in his. "Why are you so absent today" he asked. I didn't answer. This is my chance.

I smiled at him "no regrets" I whispered to myself. " I like you" we breathed out at the same time. What a coincidence. He pulled me closer to him and engulfed me in a warm hug.

"I always did, I always will" he whispered in my ear.

Hey ho. I hope this meets your expectations :) also I hope that you all enjoyed!

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