-Doyoung; crush

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[requested by @kpopaddict103]

(longer chapter)

"you hippo you're late again" I greeted hyunsuk. "Yeah because you elephant didn't wake me" he pointed a finger at me. "Sorry not sorry" I laughed at him. My laughter's soon died down as the teacher entered the room.


We're in our last period and are getting partnered up for projects. Hyunsuk and I hoped that we would get partnered together. "Hyunsuk, y/n and doyoung" the teacher announced. I immediately sprung up and cheered with hyunsuk when I heard our names but when I heard his name I froze.

By the time hyunsuk pulled me out of my thoughts I asked "where even is Doyoung". Right after i asked that someone barged in. "Sorry I'm late" Doyoung apologized and sat down Infront of us.

I kept on shaking hyunsuks arm. "As I was saying, Doyoung you will be partnered with y/n and hyunsuk for this project" the teacher told him, he nodded and pulled his chair over to us.

Seeing how tensed I was hyunsuk tried to calm me down "it's okay you finally have an excuse to hang with him" he whispered while I just cracked a smile.

"Class dismissed, you can leave early today" the teacher smiled. It was pretty normal she would let us leave early often. "So who's house are we going to" Doyoung asked. "Y/n's my room is way to messy" hyunsuk shot immediately. "Let's go downtown first to get a few supplies" I recommended so I could call my mom and ask her to clean my room since it was a mess while hyunsuks room was shining.

It was just shining because I always clean it while he makes mine messy. "Sure thing" "course" Doyoung and hyunsuk agreed. We packed up our things and stopped by our lockers. They somehow decided to follow me, but me being me I didn't know where to walk first so I made my way to the bubble tea shop.

Hyunsuk opened his mouth to say something but Doyoung hushed him within seconds as I walked straight in.   I already finished ordering as they finally decided to follow me inside. "Okay I'm done" I smiled and walked out leaving them dumbfounded once again.

"I give me some" hyunsuk whined. "Nope, I'd give Doyoung some but u bitch keep on making my room messy" I stuck my tongue out at him. To my suprise I felt my drink being taken out of my hand. I turned around with a shocked expression to see Doyoung drank it up. Ok that's it it's time to stop crushing on such a cruel human.

I pointed at him, turned around and made my way straight back to boba shop. "an extra large Mango tea with lychee bobas please" I ordered. I was about to hand the girl the money when another hand was there to give it before me. I looked up to see Doyoung grinning at me. "Thank you" I smiled at him. "That's the least I can do since I drank it up" he sent me a look filled with apologies.

We walked out of the neat store looking for hyunsuk. "Where the hell did he go he was just here I told him to wait" Doyoung ruffled his hair. "He probably left with the intention to mess up my room even more" I shrugged.

"I will most definitely not do the project with you" he said sternly. I was taken back and felt a little bit hurt. It took him a few seconds to realise what he just said. "Oh shit I didn't mean it like that I meant we won't do all the work while hyunsuk does who knows what" he told me as he planted his hand on my shoulders.

"So let's have some fun" Doyoung swung his arm around my shoulder. I just gave him a what the actual Frick look. "Again I should think before I talk" he facepalmed himself with his free hand and let out an embarrassed laugh.

"So what I meant was let's go do something I'll pay everything you want" she smiled. "Sure but you don't need to pay I'm not that broke" I laughed. "Just let me be a gentle man for once in a while" she pouted. I still felt a little bit tensed since I was never this close to my crush. I've been liking him for a long time, only hyunsuk knows since he's my best friend.

I got caught off guard when he grabbed my hand as I fixed the strap of my bag. I couldn't feel my cheeks heating up. I looked at him he was looking forward, smiling and started to walk. "Where do you want to go first" he asked squeezing my hand lightly. I just shrugged and sipped on my bubble tea.

"Okay then let's watch a movie" he smiled turning to me. "Wich one" I asked and continued drinking. "Let's get there first I don't know which movies are playing" he chuckled. I kept quiet trying to control the butterflies since he still held my hand. 

"But the movies are the other way" I reminded him. "Oh yes I forgot" he blushed. Why was he blushing. I couldn't help but let out a laugh. He took away my bubble tea and drank it up again. "Why did you do that" I pouted pulling myself away from him.

"Because I wanted to" he stuck his tongue at me before throwing away the emty cup. I kept pouting, crossed my arms and continued walking. He quickly catched up with me. "Hey don't be mad" he said as he swung his arm over my shoulder again. I pushed it off this time and kept walking.

"Oh c'mon" he pleaded just this time he grabbed my waist and turned me to look at him. I was startled seeing how close i was to him. I tried to push him away but he wouldn't let go. "I'll let go when you say Doyoung is the most handsome guy in the world and I forgive him" he grinned.

I shook my head, "well then" I ducked out his grip and ran into the movies. I hid behind a wall and fanned myself with my hand. I was so tensed up and I bet I look like a tomato right now.

I slowly slid down the wall, opened my bag and got out a bag of chips. Yes I was eating chips I brought myself in a corner in the cinema. "Oh here you- are you eating chips" I jumped up. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he laughed. I put my chips back in my bag and brushed myself off. "Let's take a look at the movies" he said and pulled me to where it shows wich movies are playing.

"Spider Man" we both said at the same time and laughed. "Okay spider Man it is" he said and bought the tickets.


The movie was over. It was honestly so great I love spider man. "So what now" he asked as I was checking my phone. "Mom wants us home to eat before hyunsuk eats everything up" i told him because that's what my mom texted me. "Okay sure" he smiled.

The walk was quiet, it wasn't an awkward silence even though I was still tensed because I have never been alone with him before. We finally arrived at my house, I was already so hungry. I got out my keys and opened the door. "Mom the love birds are here" hyunsuk shouted because he hear us come in.

Yes he calls my mom 'mom' he basically lives here. I couldn't help but blush. We took off our shoes and walked into the kitchen. "Hello miss y/l/n I'm Kim Doyoung" he greeted my mom. "Call me y/m/n honey" she smiled at him.

"Where have you been I've been waiting hours" hyunsuk whined as he came into the kitchen. "That's for us to know and for you not to find out" I pointed at him as I sat down. Doyoung followed my actions and sat down across from me since hyunsuk sat next to me.


My mom left after she placed our dishes on the table. We were in my room doing everything but school work. The day after was Saturday anyway. I went downstairs to get something to drink since I was thirsty and when I came back hyunsuk was gone again.

"Where did he go" I asked Doyoung who was sitting at my desk. "He said he'll be back in a few hours" he shrugged. "This dude is really a handful" I sighed and sat down on my bed. "Y/n" Doyoung called. I hummed in response as I drank. "You know you shouldn't be always that tensed around me" he smiled. I almost choked on my water, "what". "I like you too silly" he laughed. 

I'm sorry I took so long but I wanted this chapter to be longer than the others so here it is :)

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