Chapter 1• Getting Away

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Cianna Monroè

"Cici!..." I heard someone whisper my name. Me thinking it's my little brother, i didn't bother waking up.

"If you don't get yo ass up!" I finally recognized the voice. It was my mother. I sat up looking around the dark room and she stood beside my bed.

I reached for the lamp but she smacked my hand whispering "No"

"Get dressed! We're leaving." She told, me going to looking around. My heart started racing.

"Mom! You know Michale would nev-"

"Get your ass dressed now! I refuse to live the rest of my life, with that woman beating son of a bitch!" She whispered yelled, and I nodded getting up.

She started examing stuff around my room as I got dressed. I watched her curiously.

I threw on a hoodie and sweatpants with my UGG boots. I tapped her and she examined my outfit, nodding walking towards the door.

I stopped her, "what about all my clothes?"

"Don't worry about allat..." She mumbled, as she reached for the front door handle. Michael must have been really drunk, because he would have been stopping us from leaving.

We got In the car and I looked in the backseat, seeing my little brother, Carlos. She put a black duffel bag in the trunk and rushed to get in the car.

The minute the headlights started to shine, the front door slung open. And there he was.

I looked over at my mother as she held a frightened look on her face, and like any other time, she froze up.

"Mom!... Let's go!" I yelled, as he started walking towards the car. Her hands starting shaking as she reached for the key that was already in the ignition. Carlos started crying, which broke my heart because he was only 6 years old knowing what the hell was going on.

Michael started banging on the window.

"Open the damn door Keisha!" He yelled. She had tears streaming down her face as she shook her head.

"I loved you Michael! You never loved me back. I don't know how I was so blind to something that was right in front in me. All you ever did was put your hands on me and cheat. Always, I gave you the benefit of the doubt, blaming myself for Everything YOU done to ME." She sobbed. Carlos was still in the back crying with both of his hands in his mouth. I understand how she felt. She really did love Michael, more than she loved herself. And that was the problem, she was too busy focusing on how to impress him than worrying about self love. Their relationship was toxic, and everyone knew, even my mother herself. But she fought the urge to leave him, and that was the biggest problem.

"That's not true Keisha! I love you and you know that! I buy you everything you need and even provide fo yo kids!"

"That's the thing Michale! You can't buy love or loyalty can you?" She questioned, and he stood there, dumbfounded.

"That's what I thought." She shook her head, starting up the car.

"Keisha wait! I love you!"

"You dont love me, you love the fact that I Think you love me." She mumbled, pulling off, running over his foot.

All the crying Carlos did, he ended up falling asleep with his fingers in his mouth. It had started pouring down raining.

I sighed leaning back in the seat, "so what's the plan?"

"Cici, you probably aren't going to like this but.."

"But what?" I sat back up.

"You're going down to Louisianna to live with joanna." She said, reffering to her sister, whom she didn't like.

"What!? You dont even like her!"

"Yea but, she was the only one willing to take you in." Oh yeah, my family was fake as hell.

"What about grandma Abigail?" I asked and she shook her head.

"You know her ass don't like me."

"Man... Then were you and Carlos going?" I asked and tears formed in her eyes.

"Far.. Far away" she replied, and I looked at her like she grew three heads.

"Then why the hell you ain't taking me?"

"Because Cianna! Eventually, Michael's going to try to find us. We need to split up. He know I don't like Joanna so, he won't Even think twice about going down there."

She was right. My mother and Michael been married for 4 years and any time Joanna a come around, they'd end up getting into an argument or fighting. Joanna had no problem with me or Carlos. She loved us.

Overtime, we pulled up to the airport and she stopped in front of the building, reaching inside her purse. She pulled out my plane ticket, and handed it to me.

We got out of the car and she went to the trunk, opening it, and pulled out the duffel bag, handing me about 4 bandz.

"Hmm, be safe girl. I'll try to check up on you as soon as possible." She told me and I nodded.

"Tell Carlos I love him." I hugged her. She got in the car and looked at me one last time, blowing a kiss then driving off. I stuffed the money anywhere they could fit in my hoodie, then headed inside.

After what seemed like a few minutes, a Loud speaker rung out.

"Flight number 309 to Baton Rouge, Louisiana.."


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