21• Home Sweet Home

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Finally, we touched back down to Louisiana. The boys had went back to kentrell house while me, Lena and lulu had made it back to Aunt Joanna house.

"My babies! Y'all are home. I missed y'all, specially since Kingston was gone half the time." She told us and Lena smacked her lips.

"He left you here by yourself?"

"Yeah bu-"

"KINGSTON!" She yelled, going towards the basement door. Lena was always protective over aunt Joanna because the simplest things could happen out here.

"Well go on, Go unpack so we can have a—talk." She looked worried. We eyed her weirdly before going to our rooms. I plopped down on my bed, laying back. It felt so good being home, knowing I was in a safe environment.

I unpacked the rest of my clothes and took me a shower before going to meet them downstairs.

"Damn, took you long enough." King mumbled and Joanna mushed his head as I flicked him off.

"Ok so, Before y'all do anything.. be aware of your surroundings. I know a face when I see it and I'm pretty sure I saw miguel earlier at the store."


"Yes, Michaels Miguel."

"Did he recognize you?" Lena asked after she glanced at me. She nodded.

"Either that or he looking at the junk in my trunk." She twerked a little in her seat and Kingston scrunched his face up.

"He better not. I'll kill that nigga."

"You always ruining some." Lulu rolled her eyes and he mugged her before they started arguing.

"Y'all got it? For real tho. It might comes down to having to keep a weapon."

"No no no! I do NOT do guns."

"It don't have to be a gun, keep a pocket knife or some. Please, just for me. I don't need anything happening to y'all, especially you!"

"Okay I will." I said as she nodded. I got up and left the table and went back to my room. Seeing my phone vibrate, I grabbed it

KentrellOleUglySwayBackBitchAssGaulden- Wyd?

- Where yo girl at

KentrellOleUglySwayBackBitchAssGaulden- Bye😐

Lulu came in my room, scratching her head looking guilty as ever. I squinted my eyes at her as I sat down my phone.


"We about to have Company"

"Like who?" I crossed my arms.

"Kentrell and nem I-"

"It's whatever" I shrugged my shoulder, causing her to look at me weirdly and leave out of my room.

A little while later, Loud voices could be heard from the living room, making me roll my eyes.

Footsteps came closer to my door, and I heard them loud and clear because my door was wide open. There he was. I looked around the room as he stared at me. He bit his lip, realizing I had on sleeping shorts and a tank top, that exposed my boobs a bit.

"What, kentrell"

"Damn, you acting like youn wanna see a nigga"

"I don't" I mumbled and he smacked his lips, sitting on my bed.

"What is you doing? Ain't yo girlfriend downstairs "

"Yeah, But, So?" He looked at me and I shook my head. This is the exact reason I aint fucking with his ass now. Dog ass

"You ain't shit"

"I been that" he laughed. I sat there, plain facial expression. I looked closer, into his eyes seeing he was high as ever. I rolled my eyes

"Getcho high ass on"

"I'm not high. Real shit tho, Come sit on my face" He said, looking at me amused. My face warmed up as I looked away.

"Wha—Bye Kentrell"

"I'm not playing. When was the last time I ate?"

"Today. Remember, we got McDona—"

"Man quit playing all yo life."

"I'm not playing tho" I told him. His phone started to ring and he looked at it, sucking his teeth.

"Aye, imma be back. Aight?" I shrugged. He made his way to where I was, standing tall over me.

"Yeen gone gimme no kiss? Hug?"

"Nigga—You got a whole girlfriend"

"I wish you a stop bringing that shit up. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm with her, or why she here. But forever, I love you tho." He said. I didn't reply.

"Youn love me back?"

"Of course I do. It's ju—"

"KENTRELL!" She yelled from downstairs. I sighed, as he let my waist go. He looked at me and I shrugged. Kentrell kisses my forehead before leaving out of my room. My life was all over the place, and a nice phone call from my mother might be nice right about now.

"Shit. Where is it?" I mumbled to myself, referring to my mini mirror I had bought. Shit was expensive as hell, and the last thing I wanted was for me to leave it somewhere or let somebody steal it. I jogged down the steps, letting all eyes fall on me.

"Where you bout to go?" Boomer asked and I waved him off, "Don't worry about it"

I opened the door going to the truck we drove out of town and back. I was fumbling through different things, considering everybody shit wasn't completely out of here.

I heard footsteps, making me turn around nervously. I fumbled through the rest of the stuff before finding it in the Walmart bag I bout it in. Once I turn around, my heart damn near dropped to my ass. My mirror fell as I looked at him in horror.

He smirked evilly, as he put a mask over his face and sprayed something in mine, knocking me unconscious. It was him.

It was Miguel. He found me.


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