Chapter 13• Lies

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Few days later


"Y'all, sit down." I fuss as Kayden and Kameron hit each other with the toys. Kentrell left early in the morning to go to the studio and it's around 5pm and he still ain't back.

I didn't want to stress about it because he's probably out handling business. He asked me to watch the kids until he got back and I did so.

Kayden threw the toy at Kameron, and he started crying. I sucked my teeth.

"I told y'all ass sit down--- Kayden stop!" I grabbed kayden and sat him down by me. Kameron came and tapped my leg, and I grabbed him, sitting him next to me. He laid his head on me and Draco laid his head back, glancing at the cartoons on the TV.

We all started dosing off, until my phone woke me up. A picture from and unknown number popped up. I clicked it

Unknown: He in good hands, Don't wait up😘

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Unknown: He in good hands, Don't wait up😘

It wasn't even my place to get mad, I knew he was still a little boy. But my question is, why lead me on if you gone go back and lay up with another Girl?

He got to Realize what He got, before He be remembering what He had.

I put my phone down, letting sleep take over me.

10:00 P.M.


I opened the room, door closing it behind me. I jumped a bit when I saw cici up on her phone.

"Oh, you still up?"

"Mhm..." I walked over to give her a kiss but she held her hand in front of it. I sucked my teeth.

"Why you actin like that?"

"Why you been gone late as hell for the past few days?"

"Why you worried about it?" I mugged her.

She nodded, "You right, why am I worried about it?"

She grabbed her shoes and put them on, walking towards the room door. I grabbed her arm.

"Mane, Wea you goin? I told you I was at the studio dude!"

"Kentrell, let me go."

"Look mane, I luh you, you really think I'd be doing some shit ain supposed to?"

"Your grip is too tight." She whimpered. She was going to have to understand.

"I love you, I really do." She finally snatched away from me, pulling out her phone. She showed me the picture malu had took of me while we was at the studio. She looked down at the big ass bruise I left on her arm, and I looked at her than he


"I'm not your baby, and it's sad because I really thought we where going some where. My trust already fucked up and thanks to you, you showed me I can't trust anyone."

"I'm sorry."

"Me too.." I scrunched my face up.

"For what?"

"For believing you loved me." She whispered coldly before opening the door to the bedroom and walking out.



"Ci, you good?" Lena asked, coming into my room patting my back. I shook my head.

"Nah, he knew everything I was going through and he does that." She looked at me confused. I told her everything and I'm pretty sure by now her blood was boiling.

"Niggas ain't shit I tell ya." She shook her head. I nodded in agreement.

"But you can't be in here moping over this nigga. To be honest you knew he wasn't shit when you first met him. But you having a good heart, you have him a chance , something no girl would."

"Yeah but he blew it, and on top of that.. Miguel. He was going to protect me Lena but I don't want to be around him."

"Don't worry, we'll protect you. We are your family cianna. Before running to anybody else you should come see us first." I nodded.

"I'm sorry—"

"Don't be, you just felt protected. And you should feel that here. We won't let anything happen to you."


Aight so I been writing this chapter for 3 days and this what only I can think of. 😂😂😩

Anyway, Merry Christmas Folks🥰

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