18• Vibes

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This was our second to the last day on the Vacation, and since I met Keith, everything has been fun. We met up the next day and went out and today we decided to go to a Carnival. Kentrell still doesn't know about him and it isn't his business. I told Lena and all honesty, she was happy for me, but I could tell she still wanted me with Trell. She's the only person I told because if I tell lulu she's going to run back and tell Ben and Ben is going to tell them.

"Okay, okay I quit!" I yelled as he flung me over his shoulders. I kept joking on how he was shape like a Ironing Board and it was making him mad.

"You gone stop talking bout me?" He asked and I nodded. We went over to the Roller Coaster and he stopped me before we could enter.

"Aye, I'm afraid of heights, so don't laugh at me." His facial expression tried to stay serious but he bursted out laughing.

"No, NO I'm fareal. Why I can't never be serious with you?"

"Okay I'm not going to 'LaUgh At YoU' " I told him and we went to get in the roller Coaster. It took a few minutes for them to get everybody on and make sure they were strapped up.

"Man, this shit wea— OHHH SHIT!" He yelled as it took off and swung around the corner. He had his head on my shoulder with arms around my waist, Squeezing me tight as hell. After the ride, we got off and he looked at me, shaking his head.

"Never again."

"Come on! It ain't even that bad."

"Yes the hell it is. I bout died when we went alla way to the top. Jesus was gone really meet me right there." He told me and I laughed, standing on my tippy toes, mushing his head. He grabbed my arm, pulling me into him.


"Why? I like messing with you." I pouted, making him smack his lips.

"You been fucking with me since we got here."

"I hadn't had no fun all my vacation."


"Yeah.. I barely been with the people I came with since I met you." I told him and rose his eyebrow.

"Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing?"

"Good, I need it anyway— Ouuu! bears." I pointed to the big bears a few stations down.

"You want one?" I nodded.

"Win yo own shit. I'm boutta go." He joked as he walked away and I wrapped my arms around his waist since that was almost the only part I could reach.

"Pretty pweassee.." he sighed.

"Fine, but just because I wanna play the game."


"What was that." He held his hand behind his ear and I quickly shook my head.

"Nothing! Come on." I grabbed his hand once more like a toddler and drug him over to the station. It three tries before he actually one me one.

It was A Big Pink Bear & since it was damn near bigger than me, he offered to carry it but I said no. I just felt like he was doing and buying everything for me. And I HATE that feeling.

(A/N- Aye rs I hate when people buy me a lot of stuff😂😕 Like thank you but now what you want? I HAVE to get you something 😂😂🤷🏾‍♀️)

"What you want to eat? I'm buying!" I said in a stern voice, causing him to shoot me a look.

"I got I-"

"No, lemme buy something."

"You just been itching to spend huh? And let's get out here, and go get some seafood."

"Sounds good." I smiled at him, and we left the carnival. We went to "Gaidos Seafood Restaurant" which was new to me because I had never been there. We had a good time there, then we headed back home. We pulled up to my hotel and I got out the Car, him following me. We stopped in front of the car and handed me my bear. I set it on the car, As he reached for a hug.

I hugged him back, and suddenly, I promise you I don't know what had gotten into me, but I stood on my tippy toes, pecking his lips.

"I-I'm sorry I—" I was cut off by him leaning down to grab my face and him kissing me back. He deepened the kiss, no tongue added. I was never going to go that far.

Once he pulled away, he smiled down at me as I looked down at my shoes.

"Imma see you tomar?" He asked and nodded. I grabbed the bear off his car and waved at him before entering the hotel. Once I made it back, they eyed my bear and the to-go food I had in my hand.

"Aye, Can y'all step out fa a minute." He asked them and they smacked they lips before leaving. I don't even know why these niggas always in my room.

I set my bear down, and set my food down on the nightstand beside my bed. He eyed me with this Curious, Mad facial expression. I payed no attention to him.

"You gone act like youn see me?" He asked and I nodded.

"You know what— Fuck allat, you wanna explain this shit?" He tossed the phone in my direction making it hit my leg. I mugged the fuck out of him before picking the phone up. It was me and Keith when we was at the carnival. Shit.

Stupid ass fans.

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