26• I love you

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"What you been up to?" Keith asked, as I laid stretched across the bed. I shook my head, sighing. Only if he knew.


"And what do you mean by that?" He rose his eyebrow. I shook my head again, and chuckled.

"Nothing—What you been up to?" He smirked before flipping the camera to his lap, which showed his member which was hard as a rock. My mouth dropped open and he laughed.

"Really Keith?"

"I can't help it. Every time I see yo ass, this lil nigga rock up"

"You something els-" my door bursted open, and in came kentrell.

"Imma call you back" I hung up the phone and threw it on my bed. He laid down on me, wrapping his arms around me in the process.

"Who was that?"

"Nobody in particular— why you here?"

"Damn I can't come see you? I just wanna see how you doing damn" he flicked my bottom lip.

"Well, kentrell, I'm doing good. And I know that ain't the only reason you came here" he looked up at me, smirk on his face.

"At least you know" He kisses my lips before trailing wet kisses to my neck.

"K-ken chill" my voice shook as he kissed my spot. He made his way to where my breast where and unhooked my bra, sucking on my nipples. He continued wet kisses down my stomach until he reached my shorts.

He waisted no time, sliding them off, smirking at me, noticing I was all into it. He slid my purple Victoria Secret panties to the side and entered one finger in me. As he started pumping faster, he entered 2. I covered my mouth to hold back any moans, considering Joanna, Kingston, Lulu and Lena was here.

He bent down, kissing my inner thighs, leaving a hickey when he was done. I mugged him

"Quit doing kinky shit"

"Hell up" he mumbled, before licking my pearl making me gasp immediately. I arched my back but he held me down, putting 2 hands on my waist. I closed my legs around his head as he went faster, feeling myself let go in his mouth. He rose up with a smirk on his face, kissing me while unbuckling his belt with his free hand. He put his face in the crook of my neck and Within seconds, he slammed into me making my back arch immediately. He started off slow as he wrapped a hand around my neck.

"Damn, you wet as fuck" he groaned as he adjusted the way his body was.

"You luh me?" He asked, doing slow deep strokes. I nodded.

He sped up, "Lemme hea you say that shit"

"I-I love you DeSean.." he slowed back down, going deeper. I put my hand on his lower abdomen when I felt myself coming closer.

I just know this nigga ain't in my guts

"Move, or you gone get it, fareal—Bet" he flipped me over to where I was on all fours. He pushed my back down so far, I swear this arch was PERFECT.

He slammed into me again, making me un-arch my back. He grabbed a handful of my hair, speeding up.

"Redo my arch" he said sternly. By now the headboard of the bed was banging against the wall, I just know all of them heard it.

"Kentrell.." I couldn't take it no more. The pleasure had taken complete control over me, my whole body shook as I released. I could feel juiced running down my leg but that didn't stop him, he kept going. I looked back seeing him biting his lips; This nigga was focused

He let out a loud groan before pulling completely out. My body collapsed onto the bed as he stood there, hovering over me. He leaned down and kissed me again before laying down beside me. He pulled me into his chest, and after a while, I could hear low snores. I played in his hair for a bit, then I was out like light.

"Cianna.." he mumbled sleepily


"I love you" I bit my lip

"I love you too"


I woke up to him not even in my bed anymore. I rolled my eyes, getting up, groaning in the process since my body was sore.

I went downstairs to the kitchen; Joanna was in there cooking chicken. I smiled because I was hungry as hell and I didn't have to cook.

She looked at me and shook her head. I furrowed my eyebrows as I sat down at the kitchen table.


"You know I heard y'all right?" She asked. Blush crept upon my cheeks as I held my head low.

"I'm sorry, it came out of nowhere"

"I just ask for it not to happen especially not in my house" she pointed the spoon she was stirring the rice with at me. I nodded biting my lip.

"You know before kentrell left earlier we had a talk about you" I rose up from my chair a little.

"Y'all sneak dissing now?"

"Nah girl, he was telling me about how he was really gonna make things right with you and that he don't know why he with her, he just is. He wants y'all to start back on a good path basically" I nodded.

She looked back at me, "Despite everything he does, kentrell is a good person. Mind and Heart. He said he tryna get hisself together before he even try to get back in a relationship with you"

"I love him, I really do.. but I don't know if I can take them chances"

"Life is too short, to be scared to take a chance. Yeah, some chances, you might take a L or you might that a W. Regardless of either one, how hard you come back is up to you. Just because a L come your way don't mean you gotta stop what you doing. A "L" Don't mean shit but life"

"Thank you, I needed that"

"No problem— you gotta letter in there" she pointed to the living room. I picked the letter up from the tv stand and read threw. My heart started pounding once I read threw all of it. It was a acceptance letter from LSU that I had applied for months ago.

( look idk if you kan be late for kollege but she going in late! Ok 😂😂🌚)

I got in! ... I got in

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